Week 1 (Overland Park, KS) Online MTC Experience

¡Hola a todos! My first week of the online MTC was a rollercoaster with a lot of ups and downs. Monday was by far the most difficult day because right as you get into class they start speaking Spanish. It was very hard to understand them but at least they spoke some English. Tuesday was a little bit better but I still hardly knew any Spanish other than "Hola" or "Me llamo Elder Bailey". Wednesday and Thursday were by far the easiest out of the week, despite having to sit for 10 hours a day staring at a screen. Friday was still good but difficult because both of my teachers' internet connection was bad so it was all choppy and made me want to fall asleep. Saturday was my Preparation day or "P-Day". I went to the Stake Center to play basketball with my brother Dylan and some people from other wards, which was really fun to finally get out of the house. After that I pretty much spent the rest of the day outside doing service for my parents. ...