
Showing posts from June, 2024

Week 91/92 (La Libertad, Mexico) Bautismooooo, y ¿Pueba Sur?

  Hola mis amigos,     I think I forgot to write again last week, but I honestly don't remember because the weeks go by so fast. I honestly don't remember really anything from 2 weeks ago so I will just talk about this past week jaja.      It was a pretty good week here in La Libertad 2. We only found 1 new person to teach but she has potential, we taught around 8 lessons, contacted around 50 people, gave out 20 BOMs, 1 person we are teaching came to church, well technically 2 but he got baptized yesterday! Overall it was a pretty good week.      The baptism was really really good actually. We found Erick by contacting him in front of his house, giving him a Book of Mormon and setting an appointment to come back and talk about the BOM. 4 weeks later he was baptized! He is going to be such a good miembro.     Wednesday we had a small little get together with another zone, Presidente y su esposa and just chilled and talked. Also told us if we are in a new mission. Yup, I got reas

Week 89/90 (La Libertad, Mexico) Conferencia de Estaca

  Hola mis amigos,     Sorry for not writing last week, no excuses just totally forgot jajaja. The past two weeks have been pretty chill. Really nothing crazy has happened.     The past 2 weeks for missionary work were pretty slow. I don't really remember the exact numbers so I will just make an estimate. We found around 10 new people, taught around 20 lessons, gave out around 40 BOMs, only had like 1 or 2 people go to church that we are teaching which kinda sucked, we contacted around 100 people and that's really it. We are working with this family of 5 but really only 1 is progressing but hopefully he can get baptized soon to be the example for his family.      Sunday we also had Stake Conference which was pretty good. The family of 5 didn't go which didn't help but overall it was good. I think the best talk was the talk my President gave jajaja Presidente Montejo. After the conference we took pictures in front of the temple with Presidente and talked for a bit about