Week 91/92 (La Libertad, Mexico) Bautismooooo, y ¿Pueba Sur?

 Hola mis amigos,

    I think I forgot to write again last week, but I honestly don't remember because the weeks go by so fast. I honestly don't remember really anything from 2 weeks ago so I will just talk about this past week jaja. 

    It was a pretty good week here in La Libertad 2. We only found 1 new person to teach but she has potential, we taught around 8 lessons, contacted around 50 people, gave out 20 BOMs, 1 person we are teaching came to church, well technically 2 but he got baptized yesterday! Overall it was a pretty good week. 

    The baptism was really really good actually. We found Erick by contacting him in front of his house, giving him a Book of Mormon and setting an appointment to come back and talk about the BOM. 4 weeks later he was baptized! He is going to be such a good miembro.

    Wednesday we had a small little get together with another zone, Presidente y su esposa and just chilled and talked. Also told us if we are in a new mission. Yup, I got reassigned to the Puebla South mission. Pretty crazy. Wasn't expecting it at all actually, kinda sad because I love the North, but it's all the same.

    Friday we had a mission wide conference to say goodbye to Presidente y Hermana Montejo because of the missions dividing and because they finish their mission. It was really good, sad, fun but just a little too long and when I say long I mean looooong. It lasted like 12 hours! We got there at 9am and didn't leave until like 8-8:30pm! It was crazy. But it was a good experiencia but also a little hard to say goodbye to Presidente y Hermana Montejo and my old companions and buddies. Good memories

    Other than that it was a good week, can't complain. Hope you all have a good week

Keep grindin,
Elder Bailey


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