Week 44 (Huamantla, Tlaxcala, Mexico) Talk With Everyone!

Hola a todos! Another good week in Huamantla, always could have been better but we can't be perfect. Last pday was basically the same, but I also got a haircut and we bought a whole bunch of food lol. It was a good pday. Missionary work was dope as well. We found 7 new people to teach, we put like 6 people on date for baptism, 7 people came to church that we are teaching, 5 new converts came to church as well, we gave out 42 Books of Mormon and contacted 102 people!! It was a really good week but I feel like we could have done better. We had this one really good lesson with a family who has a member in their family who got baptized last week. We taught the Plan of Salvation and I kind of took over the lesson only because I was filling the spirit so strong. After the lesson my comp actually told me that he stopped talking when it was his turn just so I could talk because I felt it too. It was really dope. We had a ...