Week 43 (Huamantla, Tlaxcala, Mexico) ¡Bautismoooo! ¡Soy entrenador! (Baptism!, I'm a trainer!)

 Holaa a todos!

    This week went by really fast and was also really good! Last pday we ended up staying the night Sunday so we were in Apizaco for pday. I also got asked to do the District council! It was very weird but it went well and the spirit was very strong that night. I caught a snake as well lol. Pretty good pday.

    This week for missionary work went really well but not until the end of the week. Tuesday night we got news for transfers. At like 10pm we got a call from Pres and I got my first assignment! I got called to be a trainer! That is actually what I was wanting to do and I already love it. My greeny is Elder Zepeda, he is from Pachuca, Hidalgo, he´s 24 so he is a lot more mature than all my other comps and it is a lot better. Unfortunately this isn't his original mission. He got reassigned here because he doesn't have his visa yet. His actual mission is in Brazil! Thursday I had to travel by myself all the way to Puebla then to the oficinas. It is very weird traveling alone lol. Friday morning we had a meeting for trainers and that is when we met our new comps. It was a little awkward at first but after the ice was broken while we were traveling to our area we found out we have a lot in common. This will be a great transfer!

     So for this week we found 6 new people to teach, we had 6 lessons with a member present, we gave out 18 Books of Mormon, we invited 6 people to be baptized and all accepted, and 13 people came to the church that we are teaching! The crazy thing about these numbers is that we basically did all that in 2 days. Imagine what we can do in a week!!

    Sunday, we had a baptism for Jaky and Uriel! They were in teaching before but lost interest until like 3 weeks ago they wanted to start learning again. They are awesome and have very strong testimonies already. They also invited some of their other family members that aren't members of the church to come with them and they did! We are going to teach them this week! I had the opportunity to baptize jaky and my comp baptized Uriel! It was a very good baptism. It is also my first time baptizing 2 weeks in a row and we are going for 3 in a row this week!

     Training has been so good for me. I have already grown so much and have learned so much as well. I am very blessed and grateful for this opportunity!!

    I believe that is all that happened, not really for sure lol. I hope you all have an amazing week filled with miracles!!

Con mucho amor,
Elder Bailey


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