Week 41/42 (Huamantla, Tlaxcala, Mexico) ¡Bautismo! Y ¿¡Super Poder?! (Baptism and Super Power)


    These past 2 weeks have gone by pretty slow not gonna lie. That's not the reason I didn't write last week I just didn't have time lol. The last 2 pdays were pretty normal except last week we went to a Brazilian buffet with 2 other Elders. It was dope and really good. I also got to do something I have missed so much. I got to weld again! We went over to this members house to wash our clothes and this guy that helps fix stuff for them was there and he let me help him weld! It was so fun and very satisfying to get to do that again! Other than that nothing too much happened.

    The past 2 weeks for missionary work have been pretty slow. The guy that we put on date to be baptized for a couple weeks ago stopped texting us so I have no idea what happened there. We gave out 46 Books of Mormon, had over 20 lessons, contacted A LOT of people, we had pretty good asistencia at church and to end we had a baptism yesterday after church! His name is Hugo and his wife is a member. They were living in Mexico City for a long time and he was being taught over there jut never got baptized because he moved over here to my area. Like a month and a half ago we taught him and his family the plan of salvación but after that lesson we couldn't get another one in because of his job. But sadly (not really) he lost his job so we literally taught him everything in a week so he could be baptized as fast as possible because we all didn't know when the next time we would be able to teach him again. He ended up being more ready than we thought and had his prayer answered about knowing if getting baptized this soon was the right idea. He got the answer and of course it was yes lol! I also got the opportunity to baptize him! He specifically asked me to do it which really surprised me but was definitely a special experience! Very grateful for the trust the people I teach have for me.

    One day last week we were in a little town next to the main town of my area. We tried some appointments we had scheduled but none of them were home so we had some time to spare. We ended up climbing up this big hill with a great view at the top. It was a lot harder than I thought because the air is so thin up here because the elevación is over 7,000 ft! Also the pollution doesn't help at all either. It was fun though. 

    These past 2 weeks I started teaching an english class. We have them every Wednesday at 4 or 5 in the afternoon. Not a lot of people show up but it is still fun to be able to teach English to non english speakers. Some people we are teaching also come as well which is even better! The second time having the class made me realize how special the gift of tongues is. It literally makes me feel like I have a super power because in one moment I could be talking in spanish and then the next in english! It's actually crazy to think about and I am literally doing it! It's even cooler that I can translate as well! I am very blessed to have this opportunity to serve and to serve in a difference language!

    I feel like I am also in a little of a slump right now because a lot of the things we want to happen aren't happening. Lately I have really been trying to make my personal prayers more personal and literally ask for the things I need in this moment. It has helped me feel a lot closer to my Heavenly Father and I have been comforted with the feeling that everything will be okay and everything will turn out the way the Lord wants it to be. Prayer and fasting help so much and being out here on the mission have helped me see that. I would like to invite you all the try to pray and fast more often for the things you need and for the things your family and friends need. In the Lords time and if you do your responsibility the Lord will bless you with the things you need!

    I don't want to make this too long but I believe that is all the highlights I have from the last 2 weeks. I hope you all have an amazing week filled with blessings and miracles!

Con mucho amor,
Elder Bailey


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