Week 70 (Bosques Puebla, Mexico) Bautismooooo

Hola a todos! Another really good week here in Bosques. Pday was another normal day, nothing special happened. This week for missionary work was another very good week. We found 9 new people to teach, we had 17 lessons and out of that 17, 12 were with a member, 4 people we are teaching went to church, we gave out 22 BoM, contacted around 50 people, challenged 31 people to be baptized, and we had a baptism! It was a really dope week and the baptism we had was a crazy miracle! On Wednesday we ate with a member who's son has a friend who has gone to church around 4-5 times and has always liked it but because she didn't live in our area we couldn't teach her. So when we were there the member told us she actually lives in our area now and that got us thinking that we could baptize her this week. So we planed a family home evening with her and also her sister for Friday . The family home evening went really well and we ended up invi...