Week 69 (Bosques Puebla, Mexico) Bautismooooo

 Hola a todos!

    Another really good week here in Bosques! So many miracles and a lot more work to be done! Last pday was good, just another normal one.

    This week for missionary work was really good. We contacted around 70 people, gave out 30 BoM, taught 25 lessons, 11 of those lessons we had a member help us in the lesson, found 15 new people to teach, only 3 people went to church but we are working on that, we challenged 35 people to be baptized and we had 2 baptisms! It was such a good week. My companion Elder Neyra and I work really good together so we can get a lot more done! 

    The baptism we had was for Javier and his son Javier. Tere who got baptized Christmas Eve of last year is wife and mom to them! She got baptized first and set the example for her familia. We are working with her other son so he can go to church and get baptized as well. The service was really good and very spiritual. Sunday they were confirmed and also received the priesthood and were ordained priests! I had the opportunity to baptize, confirm and ordain Javier Jr! It was so special. 

    This week Elder Neyra and I had so many special and spiritual experiences in so many of our lessons. The feeling of the spirit these past couple of weeks has been so strong. I can literally feel the spirit testifying to them of the words my companion and I are saying. Such an amazing feeling!

    A lot more work to be done. I hope you all have a good week. Keep grindin 

Con mucho amor,
Elder Bailey


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