Week 67 & 68 (Bosques Puebla, Mexico) Zone Leadering part 2

 Hola mis amigos!

    I am not gonna lie I totally forgot to write an email last week jajaja! Nothing too special happened last week so you guys didn't miss much. Although transfers did happen and I do have a new companion. I am training him to be a zone leader. This week I won't forget though. Last pday was pretty fun because a member invited us over to their house to play some games and eat! That was pretty dope! Other than that pretty normal day.

    This week for missionary work was really good actually! We taught 14 lessons, gave out 26 BoMs, found 7 new people to teach, we had 9 lessons with a member present, only 3 people we are teaching went to church but 8 converts went so thats good, we challenged 33 people to be baptized, and we had a baptism!! What a dope week, la verdad.

    Grecia got baptized after waiting like 3 years to be baptized because her biological father wouldn't let her, but God did a miracle. She was baptized and confirmed Friday in Veracruz. We weren't there personally but we were there virtually jaja. 

    We also had leadership council this week and it went really well. I learned so much and we thought of some many things that we can do as a mission to get better and to achieve the standard of excelence every week! We had a really cool and spirtual zoom meeting with our zone about the stuff we talked about and about all the new things we are going to start doing. One thing that I really like that we thought about doing are daily prayers during the day. Not just your normal prayer for the food or when you leave the house but specific prayers throughout the day. We are going to start saying a prayer no matter where we are at 1pm and 4pm to ask the Lord to guide us to his children that are ready to hear our message. Also after every mircale we see we are going to start doing a thank you prayer to thank the Lord for giving us that miracle. Something really cool that even all of you guys that are reading this can do!

    I feel like I have already written too much, but stay in tune for the next email! We are also gonna have 2 more baptisms this week! I hope you all have a good week. Keep grindin 

Con mucho amor, 

Elder Bailey 


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