
Showing posts from July, 2024

Week 93 (Atlixco, Mexico) Transfers

Hola mis amigos,     This week was good but also a little sad. Pday was a normal pday like always.     So as you can see by the title, I got transferred. I wasn't expecting it at all because I only have one more transfer left in my mission, so just a little odd but that's life. I spent Tuesday night and all of Wednesday saying bye to everyone. Jose, a really cool member, gifted my comp and I paintings he painted himself, pretty sick. The goodbyes were pretty hard but I'm used to it by now. But these goodbyes were a little harder because I had made some amazing relationships with a lot of the members.      Thursday I officially got transferred. We headed to the offices and I had to take a van with like 12 other missionaries because we all got sent pretty far away. Saying goodbye to Elder Young was hard as well, one of my favorite comps. I am now in a city called Atlixco. It is actually very pretty over here. A lot more green when you go down south in Puebla. We are also supe

Week 91/92 (La Libertad, Mexico) ¿Tengo alergias? (Do I have allergies?)

  Hola mis amigos     This week honestly kinda sucked jaja. We started off the week good by getting to know our new mission President here in the south mission. We had a meeting with him and his family, the assistants and the sister training leaders and our whole zone that got transferred over here. It was fine but kinda crazy because they do a lot of things very differently here so it will be hard to get used to with how little time I have left. We also had an interview with President and his family as a companionship and he told us that my comp and I will stay together for my last transfer here in this area, hopefully he remembers that he said that jaja.     Yeah by the way my date to come home has now changed for the 3rd time. First it was the 2nd of sept, then the 5th of sept and now its the 15th of Aug jajaja. Yeah so my last transfer in the mission starts this Thursday, July 4th. Time is going by so fast.      So after our meeting with President and his fam he took all of us to a