Week 91/92 (La Libertad, Mexico) ¿Tengo alergias? (Do I have allergies?)

 Hola mis amigos

    This week honestly kinda sucked jaja. We started off the week good by getting to know our new mission President here in the south mission. We had a meeting with him and his family, the assistants and the sister training leaders and our whole zone that got transferred over here. It was fine but kinda crazy because they do a lot of things very differently here so it will be hard to get used to with how little time I have left. We also had an interview with President and his family as a companionship and he told us that my comp and I will stay together for my last transfer here in this area, hopefully he remembers that he said that jaja.

    Yeah by the way my date to come home has now changed for the 3rd time. First it was the 2nd of sept, then the 5th of sept and now its the 15th of Aug jajaja. Yeah so my last transfer in the mission starts this Thursday, July 4th. Time is going by so fast. 

    So after our meeting with President and his fam he took all of us to a restaurant to eat lunch, pretty dope of him to do that. Later that night I started to feel a little sick. The next morning my throat was killing me but I just thought it was a normal sore throat so I just didn't think too much of it. The days pass and it just kept on getting worse. I woke up the next day breaking out with hives basically or just red spots all on my neck, part of my face, stomach, it sucked. So finally members were like you gotta go to the doctor, so I went jaja. He told me that something I ate caused an allergic reaction, well he said I got intoxicated which doesn't make any sense because that has to do with something completely different jaja but yeah. So I guess I am allergic to something I ate but will never know because I ate a whole bunch of different things, so who knows.

    So yeah our whole week got ruined by that, which sucked but I am doing a lot better after the two injections I had to suffer through. This week should be a lot better, especially missionary work wise.

    I hope everyone has a good week.

Keep grindin,
Elder Bailey


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