Week 56 (Bosques Puebla, Mexico) Zone Leadering

Hola mis amigos First full week here in Bosques and as a Zone Leader went really well! Still have a lot to learn and a lot to improve but I am definitely doing my best! Last pday was pretty good, nothing too crazy happened just did the normal pday things. After pday we had district council and since my district doesn't have a district leader my comp and I have to do the council. It went really well but the missionaries in our district as well as our zone have no animo (encouragement)! That's something we as zone leaders are working a lot on. We are trying to help our missionaries have more success and basically want to be here in the work and be on the grind. Missionary work was good but definitely can be a lot better. We just need to start working with the members a lot more here and then we will start seeing a lot more success. We found 13 new people to teach, we gave out like 16 BoM, we had 16 lessons, like 40 contacts only because we di...