Week 54 (Huamantla, Tlaxcala, Mexico) 3 in a row!?!

 Hola mis amigos!

    Another fantástic week here in Huamantla. Last pday was really fun. We had a whole zone get together and just played a whole bunch of sports all morning and after noon. I got burnt jaja. It was really dope though, definitely made me miss sports a little more jaja.

    Missionary work was also awesome. We found 13 new people to teach, we gave out 27 BoM, we invited 14 people to be baptized and 8 accepted, we had 14 lessons, we had 10 people we are teaching watch general conference, 88 contacts and 2 baptisms!! It was such a good week and really didn't get to work that much because of general conference but still a really solid week. 

    On Thursday we saw a crazy miracle! It was like mid day and we were going to the park to give out some BoM but we actually ran into Marlen. Her and José were working on getting married so they could get baptized. We knew that but we didn't know how close they were with it. We talked with her and ended up saying they are getting married Saturday and want ti be baptized the same day! It was crazy news and was not expecting that at all! We were witnesses to their wedding and my comp and I each got to baptize! It was so cool to be apart of that and they definitely have a special place in my heart.

    General Conference was sooo good! I learned so much and always feel inspired to be better and get better. I challenge all of you to go back and listen to or read all of them again and try to get something new out of it! I know I will! We literally have the opportunity to hear the words of a living prophet and his apostles!

    Not much more happened this week but overall a great week! I hope everyone has a great week! Think Celestial! Keep grindin!

Con mucho amor,
Elder Bailey


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