Week 85 (La Libertad, Mexico) Entrenando

 Hola mis amigos

    Last week was pretty crazy. For pday we went to centro with 4 other Elders in our zone. I bought some ties and new pants because something funny and pretty embarrassing happened while we were there. I was going to buy pants anyways so I went to go try some on just to see but turns out that I ripped my pants without even knowing jaja. Who knows how long I was walking around like that jajaja. I didn't like the pants I tried on so we hurried to another store and bought some nice stretchy dress pants jaja. It was pretty funny not gonna lie.

    We also had transfers last week. We got a call Wednesday morning from Presidente! He called both of us as trainers! Its my third time training and I forgot how much I love it. 12 out of the 14 missionaries that arrived are American so my chances of training an American were very high. To my surprise I am training an American jaja. My new companion who I am training is Elder Young. He is from California, he is 19 and has a desire to work. Hopefully the Lord lets me finish his training, because the 2 other Elders I trained, I didn't get to end their training. Vamos a ver. 

    Missionary work was good but not until the end of the week. Tuesday we had intercambios with the zone leaders so we weren't in our area the whole day. My old companion had been in the area for a while so he wanted to say bye to a lot of them, so we didn't get much done. Thursday we tried to work but here in the mission the new missionaries that arrive get put with some Elders for the day to give them the "welcome" but there was very bad comunicacion about when the Elder who was going to stay with us was going to arrive, so a little better that day but not much. Friday was when I picked up my new companion and that's when it started to get better. We ended up finding 7 new people to teach, we gave out 20 BOMs, contacted around 40 people, taught around 10 lessons, had 2 of our friends we are teaching go to church and one of those friends is getting baptized the 12th of May! This week is going to be a lot better, I can feel it.

    Friday night on our way back home we ran into members who are from another ward and a completlt different mission. They stopped us and asked if we had eaten dinner and we said no so they said hop in jaja. So they took us to eat some tacos in our area and had a good time. It was very nice of them and made our night. Also something funnt was that the Dad of the family has the same birthday as me jaja. 

    I believe that is all that happened last week. I hope you all have a great week. Read your scriptures and remember

Keep grindin,
Elder Bailey


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