Week 86 (La Libertad, Mexico) Bautismooo

 Hola mis amigos

    Another good week here en La Libertad 2. Last pday was just a normal chill pday, nothin crazy.

    This week for missionary work was a lot better. Finally got into our groove. We ended up finding 13 new people to teach, taught 16 lessons, 6 out of those 16 were with a member participating, contacted over 60 people, gave out 29 BOMs, had 2 of our friends go to church, which were refs from a member and we had a baptism!! It was a really good week. 

    The baptism was great. Rosa Linda was ready since the first lesson. Such an escogida. She was so emotional and the spirit was so strong. She also asked me if I could baptize her. What an honor. It is such a special blessing to be able to help one of Gods children find the correct path back home, to our real home. I love missionary work. 

    Elder Young my new comp is getting used to the mission just fine and I love how he has no fear and not afraid to make mistakes. His Spanish is getting a lot better already and he can basically do contacts all on his own. We had this one really cool and funny contact were my comp out of no where decided to contact 2 police officers. It was a funny but good contact and they both ended up accepting a BoM! My comp also asked if we could take a picture and they surprisingly said yes jaja. Good times.

    My comp also gets super tired after meals with members and I have caught him asleep many times jaja. 

    Not much else happened just on the grind. Have a good week and choose the right.

Keep grindin,
Elder Bailey


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