Week 2 (Overland Park, KS) Online MTC Experience

 ¡Hola a todas!

    Second week of the online MTC is finally over. It has honestly been tough doing the MTC online mainly because learning a language through zoom is not ideal. Luckily on Tuesday the 4th I head to Mexico City to do 4 more weeks of in person training. 

    So about my week, on Monday we learned how to talk about our weekend in Spanish and how to plan a lesson for someone we could teach. Tuesday we actually taught someone over zoom in Spanish! It was really difficult and it was very hard to understand them but luckily they understood us. That was a very good experience and I can't wait to do it in person. Wednesday was just learning some more Spanish vocab and grammar, not my favorite thing to do but I know it's what helps learn the language. Thursday we played a Kahoot about fruits and vegetables (in Spanish of course) and I surprisingly won! That was really fun especially since my district is really competitive and so am I. Friday my district got a virtual tour of the MTC which wasn't really a tour because the connection is so bad.

    I've been really struggling with learning the language and it feels like I am falling behind but there is a scripture that I read during my personal study that really helped me through this week. It's in Doctrine and Covenants 24:12 it says "And at all times, and in all places, he shall open his mouth and declare my gospel as with the voice of a trump, both day and night. And I will give unto him strength such as is not known among men." That is such a powerful scripture! It is a scripture I will remember for the rest of my mission and as long as I open my mouth to preach about the gospel God will give me the strength to speak the language. 

    I don't have much to talk about because it is almost the same thing everyday but next week hopefully I will have more to talk about since I will be in the physical MTC.

    I would love to hear from you all! You can email me at zbailey@missionary.org. Please don't respond in this blog, email me directly if you would like to communicate with me. I won't have as much time as I do now but I will try and get back to you as soon as I can!

Love and miss you all,
Elder Bailey


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