Week 10 (San Salvador el Seco) Spaghetti With Meat Sauce... My Favorite

 Hola a todas!

    This past week was really good but also really difficult at the same time. Last p day we finally got to play some sports! We played soccer, basketball and volleyball. It was so fun to finally play sports! 

    Tuesday we were in a trio with one of the AP's Elder Covarrubias. He is dope and is a really good missionary. We ended up putting 5 people on date for baptism with him! One family of 4 and a reference. He taught me a lot and I learned so much. 

    Wednesday and Thursday we were in Puebla for a multi zone conference. It was really fun, we slept at the secretaries house, ate pizza,  and played UNO. Then Thursday was the conference. It was good but I didn't understand anything, so that's great, lol. Hopefully the next one we have I can actually understand more so I can give you all some wisdom haha. Thursday was also Thanksgiving but they don't celebrate it here so we didn't do anything for it. I did get to call my family so that was nice. I ended up heating up and eating a frozen burger, and Pringles my parents sent me haha.

    Friday was probably the most boring day ever. The only thing that is worth writing about is that I had my favorite meal at a members home. Spaghetti with meat and red sauce. It definitely reminded me of home.

    Saturday and Sunday was our district conference basically stake conference. It was good and could understand a bit but it was honestly a little difficult trying to stay awake. After the Sunday conference there was a whole bunch of rice, meat, and tortillas for everyone! I also love how everyone eats tortillas with every meal. It's definitely a nice addition to meals. While eating, my comp accidently got red sauce all over my white shirt so that was nice. 

    Not much happened this week and I didn't take many pictures only because I have been here for a while and haven't seen anything new. 

I hope all is well with you all!

Elder Bailey

I would love to hear from you all, my email is zbailey@missionary.org

My physical address is:

Elder Zachary Bailey
Calle 25 Sur N* 907
Col. La Paz
72160 Puebla, Puebla Mexico


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