Week 8 (San Salvador el Seco) Forget yourself and get to work


    This past week went so fast, its crazy it is already my p day again. Last p day my district came to my area to spend their p day with my comp and I. We also made a big pile of mattresses and blankets and slept in the study area haha. I also gave my first blessing last week! It was to my comp and he wasn't feeling well so I anointed and blessed him. It was a very cool experience and he let me do it in English. Then in the same week I anointed 2 more people. 

    Missionary work wise, it was a pretty difficult week. No one would accept the Book of Mormon, everyone kept canceling lessons so it was really tough. During a lesson we taught this older Latino lady, she ended up feeling the spirit so much she started to cry and even though I didn't understand much I started to cry to. I ended up sharing my testimony at the end and she teared up again. I can testify to you all that the power of the Holy Ghost is real and can work miracles. That same lady ended up going to church that Sunday which was so awesome and it made me very happy. That Sunday I had to bare my testimony and present who I am which was very nerve racking mainly because I had to do it in Spanish and didn't want to mess up but it ended up going really well and everyone understood me.

    During lunch at a members home she gave us this small bowl with really weird looking fruit but it was actually really good. Not to my comp though, I looked over as he put one in his mouth and I could instantly tell he didn't like it. He ended up spitting it out which was really embarrassing so I ended up eating the rest of his. I am very thankful to my parents for making me eat everything that is put in front of me and have a "missionary moment" which is what we call it back at home. 

    One day while working out I was doing push ups and my comp walks in and just stops and stares at me while I am doing them. It was so awkward and I was very confused. Also while street contacting my comp was trying to say the English word "batch" but ended up saying the B word hahaha. He kept on trying to say it but still kept saying the B word. It was very funny and I could not stop laughing. 

    During my personal study I was reading in preach my gospel and in one of the sections it says to "forget yourself and get to work". That really made me think about why I am on a mission. I am serving a mission for me but in reality I'm not. I am serving the people of Mexico and I am serving the Lord. Changing my mindset to just forget myself and get to work has helped a lot and made my experience here very nice. 

    From now on I will most likely not write my emails how I did last week. I am just going to talk about the highlights of my week because that was a lot to write last week haha.

I hope all is going well with you all and I love you all,

Elder Bailey 

I would love to hear from you all, my email is zbailey@missionary.org

My physical address is:

Elder Zachary Bailey
Calle 25 Sur N* 907
Col. La Paz
72160 Puebla, Puebla Mexico


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