Week 9 (San Salvador el Seco) I got a haircut...

Hello everyone, I Hope you all are doing good!

    This week was probably the longest week and I am not really sure why. Monday for p-day I had to spend the day in Puebla at the immigration office to change my address. So that kinda sucked. We also spent the night at another Elders apartment that night and surprised one of them with a cake for their birthday. 

    Not much happened this past week but the biggest thing was having to get a haircut. We get a video call from our Mission Presidents wife and she said I had to get a haircut. I was fine with that and was thinking I would just get a trim, but we got to the barbershop, she starts cutting the sides and it looks really good. Then she says something but I didn't understand her so my comp then says something to her. I have no idea what is going on and then all of a sudden she starts cutting the top super short. The haircut ends up being super bad, and uneven. I got pretty mad at my comp. So the next day we go to a different barbershop and I just decided to buzz it all off. It is definitely a big change and I definitely miss my curls but they will grow back. Also it has been nice to not have to do my hair in the morning haha. 

    I also decided this past week to track how many push-ups I do each day for every month I'm on the mission. I have a goal to do at least 100 a day. For the month of November I have a goal to do between 3,600 and 4500 push-ups (I also am doing squats and abs along with the push-ups). Also if I do at least 4,200 push-ups every month by 2 years I will have done over 100,000 push-ups! It has definitely been fun to look forward to and have already noticed it getting easier so I have had to bump of how many I do in a set each week. I'm also going to make a list of certain things to try and learn how to do like a hand stand push up without support from the wall and things like that, so if you have anything in mind for me to try don't hesitate in writing me because I'll definitely try it. 

    Missionary wise this week was really good. We handed out 18 Book of Mormons! We also invited someone to be baptized and she accepted! So hopefully we have the baptism this Sunday the 27th. It was awesome to hear her testimony and feel that amazing spirit. I also handed out my first Book of Mormon all on my own in Spanish! It was awesome and definitely boosted my confidence. The hardest part about the mission for me is learning the language because I want to know what people are saying and want to know what to say back. I want to be able to serve them the best I can but its tough without knowing the language very well, but I have noticed a big difference on how well I am able to speak and understand so that's good. 

    I shared a scripture this past week with a family of members and it really helped me this week. It is in 3 Nephi 12:48. It talks about striving to be perfect. I know you can't be perfect on this earth but as long as we are striving and have the desire to do good and serve others God will be pleased because God loves effort. 

    I hope all is well with everyone and I miss and love you all! Also I can feel all the prayers everyone has sent my way so thank you for whomever has done that because it has definitely helped!

Elder Bailey

I would love to hear from you all, my email is zbailey@missionary.org

My physical address is:

Elder Zachary Bailey
Calle 25 Sur N* 907
Col. La Paz
72160 Puebla, Puebla Mexico


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