Week 11 (San Salvador el Seco) ¿Habla Inglés?

 Hola, otra vez!

    This past week was one of the fastest weeks ever! Last p-day was probably the least fun p-dat we had mainly because I wasn't in a good mood. Other than not being in a good mood it was still nice to take a rest from the work. 

    Missionary work was really good but also not really good. We street contacted 49 people last week and out of that 49, 26 accepted a Book of Mormon! I have gotten a lot better at contacting although some people are hard to understand, so that is when I am really grateful to have a comp who understands mostly everyone and everything. Lesson wise was not great. Every time we had an appointment they would either not answer or not be home when they said they would be or they would cancel at the last minute. It also doesn't help that the people/families doing all that are the ones with a baptism date. 

    As you all know learning Spanish is really difficult for me but this week I really saw a difference in my Spanish even though I am really hard on myself. I could understand people better and speak better! Also yesterday was fast and testimony meeting and I understood mostly everything that was said! It was so nice to actually get something out of Sacrament meeting. I can't wait till I'm fluent though haha. 

    During the week we were street contacting after an appointment and this random guy comes up to me and my comp and says "Habla Inglés", and my comp in is broken English says "no I don't speak English". I then go up to him and start talking in English saying I do and stuff like that but he just stares at me in confusion haha.  We then realized after we walked away he was drunk. Also I don't remember what day it was but we went into this sport shop to look for something for another Elder. We walk in and ask the store owner if they had it and out of nowhere she starts speaking English. I end up talking to her in English for a bit and my comp just stands there totally confused. I have also made a goal to give her a Book of Mormon by talking in English or just give her a Book of Mormon haha. 

    Yesterday my comp and I headed to Libres to stay the night there and have p-dah in Libres. At night in Centro they were having this big event for Christmas and had a big tree with a bunch of lights. It was very pretty and really nice to be part of the culture and get a taste of home. This Christmas season I challenge you all to be as giving and kind as you can in order to spread joy in this crazy world we live in.

    I met my goal of doing 3,600 push-ups last month! I ended up doing more than that and this month I put my goal up by a lot. My goal for this month is to do 7,175 push-ups! It is going to be difficult but also really fun.

    After eating lunch with a member I had the opportunity to share one of my favorite scriptures with them. It is in the Book of Mormon. Alma 32: 21-22. It says...

21 And now as I said concerning faith—faith is not to have a perfect knowledge of things; therefore if ye have faith ye hope for things which are not seen, which are true.

22 And now, behold, I say unto you, and I would that ye should remember, that God is merciful unto all who believe on his name; therefore he desireth, in the first place, that ye should believe, yea, even on his word.

    These 2 versus have helped me a lot through out my mission so far. They have taught me to always have faith no matter how hard it is and so much blessings come from just having faith.

    I hope all is well and thank you all again for all the prayers and those who have emailed! I can't say enough of how much it means to me.

Con mucho amor,
Elder Bailey

I would love to hear from you all, my email is zbailey@missionary.org

My physical address is:

Elder Zachary Bailey
Calle 25 Sur N* 907
Col. La Paz
72160 Puebla, Puebla Mexico


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