Week 12 (San Salvador el Seco) My first time getting food poisoning 🤢

 ¡Que pasa a todos!

    This week was my least favorite week out of my entire mission so far. It was awful, mainly because last p-day I got food poisoning. I threw up everything I ate after our district council around 7:30pm then in the middle of the night around 3:15, I threw up again. Also after I threw up that second time, my companion gave me a blessing. I kid you not, right after he got done saying the blessing he ran straight to the toilet and just started throwing up so much. It's like he took a demon right out of me and put it upon himself. Even weirder is that he was completely fine before and after. I am pretty sure I got sick from the two quesadillas I ate that morning from a street vendor and I don't think I will be eating a quesadilla anytime soon. Luckily, in Libres they have this really good doctor with a lot of experience. It was pretty much just a normal doctors visit until he did an ultrasound thing on my stomach to see if everything was okay. It was a little weird haha. I didn't have anything wrong with my stomach but he prescribed 3 boxes of pills for me to take at different times of the day for a week. I am finally better after a week of having my stomach hurt everyday. Lets just say I will definitely be more careful when eating from street vendors from now on. 

    On Tuesday I had my first ínter cambios with Elder Nelson (ínter cambios is companion exchanges). He is super dope and has been on the mission for around 7 months so he has some pretty good knowledge. We had a really successful day. We gave out 5 Books of Mormon and put a person on date for baptism! He also didn't know the area so that was my first time being the "Senior Comp". He also said that every time you have ínter cambios you have to do something so we went to the Panadería and got a couple things of pan dulce. Pan dulce is one of my favorite things here. It's so so good. (Pan dulce is sweet bread)

    During the week my comp and I had some good teaching opportunities. On Wednesday we finally got to teach a family that has been on date for baptism for a while. Although we didn't talk about much, we did get to help them make tamales! She also said that when she had the time she would write down how to make it for us! With that same family on Saturday we got to teach them again and more about baptism. After we got done with the lesson the mom of the family had some doubts about things related to the restoration, so we basically taught 2 lessons that day. During that second lesson I had the opportunity to recite the first vision in Spanish by memory. We had them close there eyes while I said it. The spirit was so strong during that moment my eyes were filled with tears. It is even crazier because before that day I didn't have it memorized, but the day before our district leader told us we needed to memorize it. I am very grateful he told us that because I wouldn't have had that special moment. We are still having trouble getting them to church so if you could pray for Margarita and her family that would be greatly appreciated!

    Saturday my comp and I pretty much spent the whole day doing service. A couple in the ward just got married and sealed in the Temple that week and the party was Saturday so they needed help setting it up. We spent all morning moving and lifting tables, trying to find more things to make tortillas, driving around with the father of the groom and lifting/carrying lots and lots of Coca. We got done with everything and went to our appointments. Around 5 we went to the party. At first we were waiting for the President of the Rama to sit with him because we were technically supposed to be eating with him but instead the bride and groom tell us to come sit with them at the front table! We were the only ones who sat with them, it was a little weird. The groom also talked about us in front of everyone and basically just thanked us for everything we do. It was really cool and nice of him to do that. The food was so good and everyone knows by now that you eat tortillas with everything but these tortillas weren't the normal color. They were blue! They still tasted good and my comp said it was normal haha. The only thing I am a little mad about is that we missed them cut the cake because we had to leave. I really wanted some cake haha. 

    I guess this week wasn't all that bad but having your stomach hurt everyday doesn't help at all. I don't want to say I'm glad I had the experience but I am haha. Also, today marks 3 months as a missionary! That's so crazy!! Today is also transfers but we aren't getting transferred. Our district is also getting made into a zone so that will be dope. 

    That's all for this week. I hope everyone is enjoying this holiday season and is spreading joy to everyone! Also, thank you to all who have emailed me! It truly means a lot! I love and miss you all!

Con mucho amor,
Elder Bailey

I love hearing from you all, please keep them coming. My email is zbailey@missionary.org

My physical address is:

Elder Zachary Bailey
Calle 25 Sur N* 907
Col. La Paz
72160 Puebla, Puebla Mexico


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