Week 13 (San Salvador el Seco) Christmas time in El Seco

¡Hola amigos!

    This past week was good and fast but also a little difficult. Last p-day we didn't do much, only played soccer and basketball, went to an Internet café to look at my Facebook finally haha, and have our district council. Pretty chill day. 

    On Tuesday we had interviews in person with Presidente Montejo and Hermana Montejo. Those went really well but they took pretty much the whole day so we didn't get to do much missionary work. 

    The rest of the week was honestly pretty boring so this email will probably be a little short. We mostly spent the week going to members homes to share a message about the birth of Jesus Christ and sing some Christmas songs for them. One moment in particular that was really special was when we were singing for a family and we made the mom of the family cry which almost made me cry. I know it was special because she felt the spirit so strongly that night and I did too. The song we sang was Canto de Navidad and we sang the verses in Portuguese, Español and Inglés. Also for the songs I bought a Santa hat to sing just to make it a little more fun for me and for everyone.

    Missionary work wise was pretty difficult. Vacations from school started so there was like no one on the streets so contacting was tough. If there was anyone on the street they would either be super católico and start ranting about how many wives Joseph Smith had or they would be drunk and waste our time talking about random stuff. Oh and then the drunk would walk like 5 feet away and just start peeing on the wall, so that is always fun. We did find 4 new people to teach and most of them are pretty interested so lets hope it stays that way. My Spanish has also really improved and I can actually somewhat participate in lessons! Although it's not very good, it still feels nice to actually be a part of peoples conversions. This week is going to be even worse for missionary work only because we will be in Puebla Tuesday night to Thursday morning.

    We also still don't have hot water so I have taken a cold shower everyday now and honestly I like them better because I am so used to it now. I am also missing my curly hair now and can't wait for it to grow back. My comp and I are also participating in a secret Santa gift exchange with a couple of the families in our branch so that will be fun. We are also doing the same thing with my zone as well.

    Well that's all for this week, I hope everyone has an amazing Christmas!

Con mucho amor,

Elder Bailey  

As always, I love hearing from you all so please keep the emails coming. My email is zbailey@missionary.org

My physical address is:

Elder Zachary Bailey
Calle 25 Sur N* 907
Col. La Paz
72160 Puebla, Puebla Mexico


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