Week 14 (San Salvador el Seco) Tanto Viajar (So Much Traveling)


    It feels like I just wrote my last email yesterday. This week went by so fast. Last week we traveled so much I only slept in my bed 3 times. Monday, Thursday and Saturday. Last pday was good but also a little boring. We played soccer at a little stadium we found in my area but I forgot to take a picture. Then we just went back to our apartment to call our families. 

    The rest of the week was filled with hanging with members because missionary work was almost impossible. Only because we were in Puebla for most of the week. We left for Puebla on Tuesday and didn't get back until Thursday morning. Also on the way to Puebla we were on a bus with TV's and they ended up playing the movie Venom, so I got to watch a movie! Wednesday was the missions Christmas activity and was really fun. We spent the day playing games, eating tamales, singing and listening to an awesome devotional by our mission President and his family. At the end of the day they gifted everyone with a mug with our names on it. It is really cool and was really nice of them. After the activity for the rest of the night we played turista which is basically just Mexican monopoly. Not to brag but I won pretty badly even though they were all investing together and pretty much teaming up against me and the only other American in our zone. 

    Thursday we had the opportunity to do some service for a member. He is remodeling his shop so we helped him clean the nasty door and walls. We rarely get to do service so it felt really nice to get to do some. We also went to Santa Maria to try and contact someone who has a date for baptism and we haven't been able to get in contact with him for a while. Of course he wasn't home so we might have to cancel the baptism which sucks. 

    Friday we finally got to go to Grajales. It was added to our area a while back but we have just been doing calls because it is difficult to get there. Luckily a member in the Grajales branch drove us so we didn't have to pay for the travel. We taught these 2 guys that are super interested and have been taught before by other missionaries and have also been to church multiple times. So this week we are going back to invite them to be baptized! We then go back to El Seco and we were supposed to have appointments but they all fell through so instead we took a taxi to Libres to join the other Elders in their wards Christmas activity. That was really fun and we also got permission to stay out past 10:30 so we didn't get back to the other Elders apartment until like 11! It felt really weird but was dope at the same time haha. 

    The next day we went shopping for gifts for our gift change. I also bought myself a nice leather jacket. It is so comfortable and I have always wanted one so it was a good purchase. We then went back to our area and then went straight to the branch presidents home to help get stuff ready for the Christmas eve dinner. We end up getting done with that super early so the branch pres decided to put on the second Jack Reacher movie! So I got to watch 2 movies that week! After we had the dinner and before we ate and did the gift exchange everyone went around the table to share their testimony about Jesus. It was really special and the spirit was so strong. Oh also the dinner was supposed to start at 8 pm but didn't start until 10 pm! So I didn't get to eat until 10. It sucked. We did the gift exchange, the person who had me got me 4 boxes of really expensive cookies so that was dope of him. I then gave my present to the little 5 year old who is the Branch Presidents kid. He loves Super Mario bros so I bought him 4 things related to that and he loved it. He had a smile on his face the whole night and gave me big hugs a lot. It made me feel really good inside and I'm very glad he liked it. We then ate dinner and had lasagna, this really good fruit salad, shrimp, and some other food I can't remember haha but it was all very good and a fun night. We didn't get back to our apartment until 11:30! 

Sunday (Christmas) was really good but also didn't feel like Christmas only because I wasn't with my family. We got to sleep in until 8 which was much needed because we got home late. Went to church and only 28 people were there so me and my comp had to give a talk. Luckily I already had a short little talk written back from the mtc so I just used that haha. It was super short but went pretty well. We also only had sacrament meeting which was really nice. We then went to the Branch pres house again, talked to my fam and opened the package they got me. I got a whole bunch of goodies and other food I have been missing from the states. Then we went to go eat with the same people from the other night and had the same food. Still good though. After that we decided to go to Libres again to join the Elders there at a members home to eat chalupas. I pretty much have no money from the fund we get because of all the traveling so that's fun. We then spend the night eating chalupas and telling jokes. Also on the way to the members home there was only 3 spots in the car but there was 4 elders so I had to lay over the top of them. It was very uncomfortable but funny. The rest of the night we did our gift exchange with our zone and the gift I got was so weird, dumb and just goofy. Elder Christensen had me who is the other American. He got me a hat that says "Cocaine Life". I was kinda hoping for an actual gift but its all good haha.

    It was a good week and went by really fast but was super tiring from all the traveling. I hope everyone had an amazing Christmas! I love and miss you all and thank you to all who have emailed!

Con mucho amor,
Elder Bailey

As always, I love hearing from you all so please keep the emails coming. My email is zbailey@missionary.org

My physical address is:

Elder Zachary Bailey
Calle 25 Sur N* 907
Col. La Paz
72160 Puebla, Puebla Mexico


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