Week 18 (San Salvador el Seco) Showering with a bucket, New companion, Same area

¡Hola a todas! Last pday was probably the coolest pday I have had so far. We finally did something different. We went to Cantona which is an area in Libres so we had permission to go. It is a place with a whole bunch of ancient ruins and ancient pyramids that the ancients used for sacrifices. People also think this place is one of the places the Lamanites lived, which is dope. Back then they also used to use obsidian for their tools and I ended up finding a whole bunch of pieces that were chipped off at the top of the pyramids! The ruins are so precise and amazes me that they were able to do that with very little technology. It was so awesome to see and was really pretty. I love everything HE has created for us!! Tuesday was really weird. At like 10am I was shaving and the water just stopped running. We had no idea why so we asked our neighbors and they said they didn't have any either. We contacted the landlord and he said he couldn'...