Week 17 (San Salvador el Seco) Pig brains and I'm almost done with training!


    Another fast week! Last pday was chill, nothing really happened that day. We ate Carnitas for lunch, which is probably my favorite food now. We played turista for a couple hours and called our families. Nothin crazy. 

    On Tuesday we had intercambios (companion exchanges). Elder Navarro came to El Seco and my comp Elder Nascimento went to Libres with Elder Flores. Before intercambios "started" we had to travel to Serdan to get more Books of Mormon. That took the whole morning but was nice because I got to take a nap. So the intercambios didn't really start until like 1pm. The day was really good though, we lent out 5 Books of Mormon, put 1 person on date for baptism, and just had a good time with each other! We also gave a lot of blessings, I gave 2 and Elder Navarro gave 3. At the end of the day we bought these huge Cemitas. We paid 75 pesos for each but they ended up not being very good so that was a waste of 75 pesos.

    Missionary work this past week was a lot better. We lent 25 Books of Mormon, put 1 person on date for baptism and had a lot of good lessons. The only problem we are having is getting people to go to church and have members present during lessons. It's tough but we are working hard at it. We also had to go to Puebla Thursday and Friday but that didn't stop us from having a good week.

    Yeah so Thursday we headed to Puebla to have a meeting for new missionaries. You are still counted as a new missionary until you finish your training. The bus ride there felt like it took 4 hours. We finally get to Puebla and headed to the Secretaries house. They weren't home because they were still working, so I had to climb through this super small window to go open up the door for us. It was very uncomfortable but I'm mad I don't have a picture. 

    The conference on Friday was really good. The main focus was on having more faith in Christ. Faith that he will guide us, help us, and faith that we will be able to baptize and fulfill our missionary purpose, which is to invite everyone unto Jesus Christ. It was really good and I could understand mostly all of it. After the meeting Hermana Montejo bought everyone in the meeting a Cemita! It was very good and very nice of her to do that for us because I'm sure everyone was starving, I know I was. The rest of that day was just traveling back to our area.

    Saturday was really weird. Contacting was terrible, only lent out like 2 or 3 Books of Mormon, and literally all of our lessons fell through that day one after the other. We would get a text saying the person wasn't in their house, then like 10 minutes later the same exact thing would happen. It was wack and very annoying. Also we tried to get in contact with members to visit but no one would answer or they were still at work. So we had nothing to do so we just watched SafteyZone videos haha. I did not like that day at all. 

    Sunday was finally a normal Sunday. Mostly all the members were there so I didn't have to give a talk haha. I also think the members here don't know what keeping the sabbath day holy means because for lunch, members took us to this shop on the street to eat carnitas, carne asada and longaniza. I wanted to say something but I don't want to be rude so I didn't. I also tried something new that day, pig brain! It is actually really good and my stomach is fine so far but we will see what happens lol. We also headed to Libres to have our district council and to have pday in Libres. One of the zone leaders in our zone is finishing his mission this week so that is one of the reasons we are in Libres, to spend his last pday in his last area.

    My parents I believe it was last week sent me a talk given by Elder Bednar about "How to know if it is the Holy Ghost or just your own thoughts". I have had this question for so long especially on my mission. But he said something that really helped me last week. I'm not going to quote him because I don't remember exactly what he said but it was something along the line of "just quit worrying about it, be a good boy, be a good girl, keep your covenants, follow the commandments and the Lord will bless you with the Holy Ghost and he will guide you in everything you do". I probably watched that video 3 or 4 times because it is so good and has taught me so much. I really appreciate my parents for sending that to me. I know that if we do those things Elder Bednar said we will be guided and blessed. I know that if you have a good thought you should act on it because all good things come from God. 

Here is the link if you want to watch it yourself. 


    This week is my last week of training and I honestly can't wait for it to be over. I am very grateful for it but I know I am ready for more. Thank you to all who have emailed me I really really appreciate it! I will also try and get back to you as soon as I can. Love and miss you all!

Con mucho amor,
Elder Bailey

As always, I love hearing from you all so please keep the emails coming. My email is zbailey@missionary.org


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