Week 18 (San Salvador el Seco) Showering with a bucket, New companion, Same area

 ¡Hola a todas!

    Last pday was probably the coolest pday I have had so far. We finally did something different. We went to Cantona which is an area in Libres so we had permission to go. It is a place with a whole bunch of ancient ruins and ancient pyramids that the ancients used for sacrifices. People also think this place is one of the places the Lamanites lived, which is dope. Back then they also used to use obsidian for their tools and I ended up finding a whole bunch of pieces that were chipped off at the top of the pyramids! The ruins are so precise and amazes me that they were able to do that with very little technology. It was so awesome to see and was really pretty. I love everything HE has created for us!! 

    Tuesday was really weird. At like 10am I was shaving and the water just stopped running. We had no idea why so we asked our neighbors and they said they didn't have any either. We contacted the landlord and he said he couldn't do anything about it until the night, so we were without water the whole day. At night our landlord showed up and all he said to do was to leave the sinks on until it started working again. That worked but didn't start working until the next day at like 11am. That night we borrowed a gallon water jug from our neighbors, heated the water in a pot, put that water in a bucket and that's how we showered. With a bucket. That was a fun experience. The water is fine now though haha.

    Missionary work this week was really good. We lent out 23 Books of Mormon but still really hard to get in contact with those people because they either don't have a phone number or when they tell us there address it's not really an address. They say the street and what color there door is and the houses don't have numbers too. It is difficult but we doin our best. We also invited one of our friends to be baptized and she accepted! The date is set for the 8th of February. On Sunday was supposed to be my first baptism again but she said it needed to be a different day because her husband was home and he doesn't want her to get baptized. So she told us she has to do it a day he isn't home. Pretty wack not gonna lie.

    On Friday we got put into a trio with Elder Flores because Elder Navarro finished his mission. Being in a trio was really weird because when we would be contacting people in the street people would be really scared because 3 guys would just come up to them and just start asking them questions. It was also hard to lend out Books those 3 days because of that. 

    Saturday we found out about transfers. At like 10pm President Montejo called the zone leader who we were in a trio with and told him the transfers. The Elders in Serdan are staying the same, 2 new Elders are opening up a new area in our zone, Elder Flores in Libres is getting Elder Horne which will be the other zone leader and my comp is getting transferred to Tlaxcala, Lindavista. I am getting a new comp, Elder Pérez and staying in my area El Seco. We both don't have assignments so we are both just senor comps. 

    I had a some what of a good 3 months with my comp but we also had some hard times together. I don't want to say I'm glad I got a new comp but I am definitely ready for something new. 

    Thank you for all the emails and prayers!! I hope you all have a good week!

Con mucho amor,
Elder Bailey

As always, I love hearing from you all so please keep the emails coming. My email is zbailey@missionary.org


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