Week 16 (San Salvador el Seco) Cat fights, over 6K pushups, and faith

 ¡Que Onda mis amigos!

    Another pretty fast week! This past week was also a little tough though. My comp and I got into some disagreements and our relationship wasn't the best. We are good now but it made me realize that I can't change people, not everyone is perfect and I'm not going to like every one of my comps. I just need to go with the flow and have a more positive attitude.

    Last pday was really good, we played soccer of course at the chapel then for lunch we bought a whole bunch of things to make Carne Asada! We bought 10 kilos of carne and we finished it all by night time! It was so fun and was very very good. One of the Elders also made this really good salsa to go with the Carne Asada. The rest of pday we chilled and talked to our families. Also that night Elder Christensen and I talked until like 12:30 just about life, he's dope.

    Last week missionary work was a lot better. We ended up finding 4 new people to teach but only one of then went to church. That's still good though. We also put someone on date for baptism this month for the 22nd! I was the one who got to invite her to baptism too! She just needs to go to church one more time! This week was a lot better for giving out Book of Mormons. We gave out around 25 and ended up not having anymore at the end of the week! This week I also gave 2 blessings, one to my comp and one to a member! I also dedicated a members home! I didn't really know what I was doing but they really appreciated it! Missionary work is still difficult but we are doing our best.

    One day while contacting, a couple in their car stopped us and asked us if we speak English. I of course said yes so we started talking and he said he lived in the US for a bit. He also asked us what we were doing and wanted me to say it in English but for some reason it was really hard to speak English haha. It was really weird but made me realize that I am actually finally learning the language. I eventually flipped the conversation and asked if he wanted to read the Book of Mormon and learn more about the church, but he said he just wants to learn English. It was a funny interaction. 

    This week I also learned how to make Churros. This family in the branch owns a food truck and one of the things they sell is Churros. It is actually a lot easier than you would think but the dad of the family is still definitely a lot better than us. We ended up staying there and helping them in their food truck until 9 pm! That family is one of my favorites. Also in that same morning something weird happened. I woke up and heard meowing and it sounded like it was coming from inside our house. I go out and see a cat sitting on our laundry machine. So my comp picks it up because he loves cats and throws it outside. Right as it gets outside 3 other cats come out of nowhere and start attacking it and making a whole bunch of noise. It was wack and a very weird way to start the day.

    I forgot to put this in my last email but last month I ended up doing 6,475 push-ups! My goal was to do 7,175 so I didn't hit my goal, mainly because I got sick for a week from food poisoning. This month my  goal is to do 8,500 push-ups! I just need to be consistent and I should be able to get that.

    Yesterday for church we went to our other area(Grajales) for church and to get to know the area and the members. They don't have a chapel, they have what's called a casa de oración. It's literally a house made into a chapel. It is super small and the branch is also very small. Only 16 people were at church. I also had to give a talk. I talked about Christlike attributes mainly faith. Having faith can be difficult but I know that if we put all our trust and faith in God he will guide us through our trials.

    That's all for this week. I hope everyone has a good week, thank you to those who have emailed and thank you for all the prayers! It means a lot! I also would like to invite you all this year to serve as much as you can in anyway possible. I promise that if you do you will find happiness this year!

Con mucho amor,
Elder Bailey 

As always, I love hearing from you all so please keep the emails coming. My email is zbailey@missionary.org


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