Week 15 (San Salvador el Seco) ¡Feliz año nuevo!

 ¡Hola mi amigos!

Happy new year everyone! I hope you all had a good holiday season! This was another fast week for me. Not a lot happened but it was still a pretty good week. Last pday we didn't do much but we did play an actual game of fútbol with some local kids in the area. That was really fun and the competition was fun too. Oh we also spent our pday in Libres. That's pretty much all we did that day, still fun though. 

Another tough week for missionary work, although we did invite someone to be baptized and they accepted. We invited them to be baptized yesterday (Sunday) but he was having doubts and didn't show up. So this week we are going to work really hard on helping him know that it is the right decision. We also invited his nephew to be baptized but he said he isn't ready and needs to learn more. That is definitely okay but talking to him and teaching him is crazy because he already has so much knowledge of the gospel and almost has a testimony of Joseph Smith as a prophet of the restoration of the gospel of Jesus Christ! We are going to work really hard with him as well. Contacting was also pretty difficult, mainly because no one was on the streets again. Didn't have any weird encounters so that sucked. We did give out 15 Books of Mormon which isn't that much but we at least gave some out. I also had the opportunity to give my first blessing/anointing when blessing the sick, twice this week. During one of them I needed to ask for her complete name but that's not what I asked in Spanish. I said "su número completo por favor" which means your complete number please haha. I meant to say "su nombre completo por favor". Very embarrassing. 

After traveling back from Grajales our other area, I had to go to the bathroom really bad. So I tell my comp this and he was like "okay we can just ask a member of the church". I hate using members bathrooms so I said I don't want to and started walking back to our apartment but then I turn around and see him calling the member! Before I could do anything she had already answered and he already asked. It was very embarrassing. 

Saturday (New years eve) we spent the day in Santa Ana (another area of ours) with members. We helped make fruit salad by pealing and cutting fruit, and we also broke open walnuts to use for the fruit salad. Surprisingly I could use my hands to open them. We cracked open so much and a little too much in my opinion. We played UNO with the family then finally helped the dad of the family grill the carne asada. It was so good. Along with all that, we had spaghetti as well. We also got permission to stay out until 11pm and since we were pretty far sway from our main area, we had to call a taxi. He was supposed to get there at 11 but didn't get there until 11:25 haha. So we didn't get home until around 11:45. Once 12 hit so many fireworks went off but the fireworks aren't pretty one, its just a loud whistle noise or just a bang. It was very hard to sleep that night. I was also able to ring in the new year with my family over video call so that was awesome.

Today I also got a message on Facebook messenger from my MTC comp. He sent me a voice message saying he went home. He just wasn't having good experiences, it was hard to hear but God has a plan. I hope he is doing okay though. Also he said that the same day he went home, he went on the plane with another missionary. And of course that other missionary was another Elder in my MTC District. So that was also sad to hear. The reality is that missions are tough but the spiritual experiences make it worth it.

I feel like I have more to write about but I'm pretty sure that's all that happened this week. I hope all is well and hope everyone has an awesome year. Also thank you to everyone who has emailed!

Con mucho amor, 
Elder Bailey 

As always, I love hearing from you all so please keep the emails coming. My email is zbailey@missionary.org


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