Week 19 (San Salvador el Seco) Finally some service, and found some abandoned puppies :(

 ¡Que onda mis amigos!

    How is everyone doing? My week went by pretty fast and ended up being really good. For pday last week we didn't do much. We were at the church for basically the whole day playing volleyball and talking with our families. I also met my new comp that day and I will talk about him more later. But yeah pday wasn't anything special just nice to take a break and play some sports

    Missionary work this week was awesome. The first day my comp and I actually did missionary work together, we found 5 new people to teach! It was crazy! Also the very first person we walked up to, to talk about the Book of Mormon, accepted the Book! We had so many spiritual lessons. We had this one really good lesson on Friday with a family of 5. Also the lesson on Tuesday with them before we talked a little bit about baptism but didn't give the invitation. We only talked about it but that is all we needed to do because at the end of the lesson they literally asked "what do we need to do to be baptized". That was really cool to see that the spirit testified in the first lesson that they need to be baptized. So Friday we did the invitation and they accepted! Their date is for the 8th of February. It also helped that they have family and friends already in the church to support them along the way, which definitely helps us even more. 

    Wednesday we had to head to Puebla for a Mission Wide conference. We have to go a day early and stay in the Secretaries house because we live so far away. So Thursday was the actual conference and we were there from 8am all the way until 4:30pm. It was probably the longest day of my life. Luckily I could understand mostly everything, so that made it a little better. I'm also saying it wasn't good because even though I did feel the spirit and learned a lot, I don't think it needed to be that long haha. On the way back to our area there was so much traffic it added an extra hour on to the 2 hours we already had. So we were on the bus from around 5pm to around 8pm. That wasn't fun but I was able to listen to music and sleep haha. 

    Friday and Saturday we finally had a really good opportunity for service. Both days we helped cut down a huge tree in the Branch Presidents yard. It was a huge tree. They also don't have machines to lift you up so this one member had to climb up the tree with no safety harness or anything like that, so it was pretty dangerous. It was dope though because we got to spend basically our whole Saturday with some really cool members while cutting down this tree. You will see in the pictures and maybe videos of how we cut some of the branches down.

    Also that Saturday we got to the Branch Presidents house but they weren't there yet so we went exploring basically because the part we went to I hadn't seen yet. While we were walking we come across a puppy tied in a trash, so we helped it and gave it some water. Then we left but the puppy followed us and after a while of walking we run into another puppy which we think was his brother or sister. So we eventually leave them together and head back to the Presidents house to help with the tree.

    Okay so about my new comp. His name is Elder Perez. He is from I believe Culiacán and is 22 years old. He has been out on the mission for 6 or 7 months. This part is pretty sick, he is a recent convert to the church and has only been a member for 1 year and 6 months. So that means right as he hit a year mark he started his mission. Which to me is crazy but crazy awesome. He also tells his story to people we are teaching and I can just tell that it really helps give them faith. I only have one thing not bad but not good to say about him. He eats worse than my old comp haha. I didn't know that was possible. It is my biggest pet peeve and Satan is really testing me with this, but I am trying very hard to not let it get to my head.

    Something I learned this week is that no matter how hard things are and no matter how much you don't want to do something good you should just do it. I didn't really want to spend the whole day doing service but it made me feel good after because we made a stronger and better relationship with those members. I can testify and promise to anyone and whoever reads this email that all good things come from God. No matter what it is, if you get an impression to do something good, just do it. I know that if you do that you will see amazing blessings in your life and in the life of everyone you meet. God loves you and is always here for you in times of need. All you have to do is ask and he will answer.

    Thank you to all who email me and to all who read my emails! I hope you all have a good week filled with opportunities to do some good!

Con mucho amor,
Elder Bailey

As always, I love hearing from you all so please keep the emails coming. My email is zbailey@missionary.org


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