Week 20 (San Salvador el Seco) The week I don't remember much and videos from the tree felling last week

 ¡Que onda!

    Another week that went by pretty fast. Last pday was probably the most boring pday I have had so far. All morning we did literally nothing so I just wrote some emails. Then the rest of the day we talked to our families and just chilled. Very boring not gonna lie. But after pday was good. We had a family home evening with a family in the church and also a family that we are teaching. We shared a message about why the gospel is important in our lives, my comp did this cool experiment demonstrating our lives and bodies before and after baptism, and we also ate some really good food. After eating, the family we are teaching had so many questions that we ended up staying there until 10:15pm and we got there at 6:30! Our zone leaders got pretty mad at us because they were still at our house so that's how they knew, but it is okay because the members walked with us to our house and it was very important to answer their questions. *Stay tuned to hear more about this family in next weeks email!

    This week for missionary work was honestly pretty slow. We gave out like 7 Books of Mormon, only 2 of our people in teaching showed up to church and we couldn't get members to be part of our lessons. We still had pretty good success with the contacts and lessons we did have so it wasn't all bad.

    Tuesday I am not gonna lie we didn't do much missionary work only because we had to go take out the mission fund, get groceries, and clean our house because the other Elders always trash the place. So all that took the whole day but it was much needed. We were still able to do some calls though. 

     On Friday my comp and I had the opportunity to join in on seminary at 5:30 in the morning and teach a little about baptism and how we teach it to our friends. It was actually really good even though there was only 2 kids in the class but the spirit was very strong. It was also my comps very first time at seminary since he wasn't a member during high school. 

    Nothing too crazy happened this week and I don't have many pictures but it was still a pretty good week. I hope I didn't leave anything out but like I said nothing really happened so I can't really remember. I hope everyone has an awesome week! Thank you for all the emails and prayers! Love you all!

Con mucho amor,
Elder Bailey 

As always, I love hearing from you all so please keep the emails coming. My email is zbailey@missionary.org


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