Week 21 (Los Alamos, Puebla, Mexico) My first baptism!! Emergency Transferred!?!

 ¡Hola a todos!

    This week by far was the craziest week of my mission! A lot happened in such a little amount of time. Last pday was another boring pday. Pretty much did nothing. We played basketball, talked with our families, and chilled at the church. I can't wait until we actually do something fun on pday.

    Tuesday was just a normal day until the night. Around 7:30 pm we got a call from the President. He says I will be transferred to Álamos, a lot closer to the City of Puebla. He also said I am going to be in a trio with Elder Nebeker and Elder Reyes. Elder Nebeker is from Utah and Elder Reyes is from somewhere in Mexico. So after we got that call I started packing. It was a little sad to get that call but I was honestly ready to leave. 

    Now Wednesday was crazy too. I had my very first baptism and the baptism was for 4 people! The baptism was supposed to start at 4 but people didn't start showing up until like 4:30 so we were a little scared we weren't going to have the baptism. But the baptism was really good and very spiritual. I baptized 2, Genoveva and Emma. And my comp baptized the other 2 Guadalupe and Jessica. After the baptism, I tried saying goodbye to some members but it was a little funny because many of them didn't believe it haha. The member that really made it hard to say goodbye to was Miguel and Viviana. They both started to cry when I was talking to them about my leaving. Also the day I left Miguel helped me take my suitcases to the bus stop and gave me a gold bracelet and his wife gave me a purple bracelet, also with a really nice letter. It was very nice of them and made it even harder to leave. 

    Thursday was the day I left for my new area. I had to get up at 5 am to get all my stuff ready and pack a little more. We left for Puebla at 6:45 am and got there around 8:30 am but had to wait at the bus station for an hour and a half until my new comps got there. They finally showed up with the bishop of their ward to help with the suitcases. Oh yeah, I am in a ward now not a branch lol. So we arrived at my new area and right as I saw the apartment I knew this was going to be a good transfer. It is so much bigger than my old apartment. It is perfect for 3 and I am very excited about the next few weeks of this transfer. That day we also started a companion exchange, like bruh why on the day I get there? Luckily I stayed with Elder Reyes and Elder Alvarez, one of the zone leaders and Elder Nebeker went with Elder Trevino, the other zone leader. We also didn´t get back to our apartment until 10:15 pm which sucked. 

    So Friday we were still with Elder Alvarez and had a really good day filled with a lot of lessons. In this area, we have so much more lessons than in El Seco. We ended up having 16 lessons in like 3 days. It was crazy. We also handed out 17 Books of Mormon. Also having this many lessons is really helping me with my Spanish and just knowledge overall. Teaching in a trio is a bit weird too but it also makes it a little easier. Only because the workload is distributed with 3 Elders instead of 2. The 3 of us are also in the same generation so we are all learning together, and we are all really having a lot of fun with each other already. Saturday nothing really happened, just a lot of lessons and getting to know my comps better.

    Sunday was really good too. Our ward doesn't start until 12 pm so that is a big change from 10 am. Church went really well even though I had to give a talk. Of course, they made me give a talk on my first Sunday there lol, but it was all good and a lot of the members thanked me for my talk and said my Spanish was good. That made me feel a lot better. The members here are all really awesome as well. This Sunday though was a little annoying because we didn't get to eat lunch until 4 pm. It was pretty annoying. I'm not gonna lie. The rest of the day was really chill. We didn't really do anything after lunch or it really was dinner. 
    Well, I believe that is all from my crazy week. I hope you all have a good week and thank you to all who have emailed! 

Con mucho amor,
Elder Bailey

As always, I love hearing from you all so please keep the emails coming. My email is zbailey@missionary.org


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