Week 22 (Los Alamos, Puebla, Mexico) ¡Siempre Ocupado! (always busy)

 Hola mis amigos!

    Another week flew by! Crazy that it is already Monday again! Last week for pday was dope. We went to El Centro to basically be a tourist. We walked around looking at different little shops, we went into one of the biggest catholic churches I have ever seen and also saw a lot of gringos haha. One of these days I will teach someone that speaks English here.

    Every day is filled with so much. We are usually never not doing something, which is very different from my other area. We also walk so much more than I did in my other area. This week we had 17 lessons, talked to 50 people, gave out 13 Books of Mormon, and put 3 people on date for baptism, making that 10 overall! We had this one really good lesson with a mom and her 2 kids. She ended up crying during the lesson and I know that was the spirit speaking to her. It was such a good lesson. Also after a lesson at night we were late to a different lesson we had so we walked as fast as we could, and we were pretty far away as well. Luckily a small miracle happened. We were walking and all of a sudden a random taxi driver stopped us and asked if we wanted a ride! He also ended up being a member from a different ward! It was actually really crazy that it happened in that specific moment when we needed it the most. 

    This week we also had 2 devotionals. One just for Elders and another for the whole mission. The one for just Elders was just basically about the dress code. The one for the whole mission was about the importance of the atonement. It is very important to remember that Jesus Christ suffered for every single one of you and it is very important to thank him for that through prayer and repent everyday because we all sin. I know that if we repent everyday and sincerely ask for forgiveness we will feel even closer to God and Jesus Christ. 

    We also had companion exchanges with our district leader on Friday. Elder Nebeker went to Manzanilla with Elder Pool and Elder Nelson came here to Álamos with Elder Reyes and I. Pretty much every single one of our lessons that day got canceled so we didn't do much, which is very rare. 

    Yesterday, Sunday, we got a call at 11am from our zone leaders saying Elder Nebeker is getting transferred. So bye bye to the really fun trio. The reason why he is getting transferred is because an Elder went home and if there is a trio it always falls on one of them to get transferred. We were only in a trio for 2 weeks but it was 2 of the best weeks of my mission. Elder Nebeker helped me a lot with my Spanish and am very thankful for that. Elder Reyes is really dope so it is all good. The only bad thing is that we are both new to the area so getting around might be a little difficult. I am looking forward to it though. He also loves to work out like me which has already helped a lot. 

    Yesterday I also hit 5 months as a missionary! Crazy that 5 months flew by so fast. I can't wait for more amazing experiences and more Spanish! I believe that is all, I'm not really sure because we are so busy everyday so I forget what happens. I hope everyone has an amazing week. Also if you emailed me I will try and get back to you but being here in this new area I am a lot busier, but I will try my best! 

Con mucho amor, 
Elder Bailey

As always, I love hearing from you all so please keep the emails coming. My email is zbailey@missionary.org


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