Week 27 (Los Alamos, Puebla, Mexico) !Hace Calor¡ (It's HOT!)

¡Hola mis amigos! Another fast and good week! For pday we didn't do much but I finally used the football my Mom sent me lol. I also had the opportunity to give a blessing to one of the new Hermana's in my district. It was very special and very spirit filled. That is pretty much all that happened pday haha. We had another really good week for Missionary Work. This past week we found 15 new people to teach, gave out 16 Books of Mormon, invited 4 people to be baptized and all 4 accepted, we had 24 lessons 6 with members and had 11 people go to church yesterday! Safe to say we had a really good week. I am also starting to see how much my Spanish has grown, especially during lessons. I can basically understand everything and teach all the lessons. There will be times where I will misunderstand people though haha. During lunch with our Bishop, his wife asked me "Que pienso sobre el corro" I don't remember if she exactly said that but...