Week 26 (Los Alamos, Puebla, Mexico) Bautismo, Lluvia y Sin Dormir (Baptism, Rain and Sleepless)

 ¡Hola a todos! ¿Cómo están?

    This past week went by really fast and was a really good week, quite a bit actually happened! Last pday was busyyy. We got asked by the mission President's wife to cut our hair, dry clean our suits and we still had to buy food and talk to our families. Before all of that we had to go to the offices to pick up 2 boxes of Books of Mormon which took forever but were needed. It was a good pday but we are planning on actually doing something more fun in a couple of weeks. 

    Missionary work this week was absolutely fantastic! We had 47 contacts, lent out 9 Books of Mormon, 9 lessons and 5 with a member present, 12 people we are teaching went to church and 1 baptism!! One of the best weeks I have had and am very excited to see if we can do even better! Yesterday was my ward's Ward Conference which was very special and probably one of the reasons why a lot of our people went to church but let's hope not lol. My comp and I also had the opportunity to participate in the ward choir which was actually pretty fun and they really appreciated it because if we didn't participate there would have only been like 4 men participating. 

    Saturday we had the baptism for Diana! She has been taught by missionaries for 4 months and finally got her answer! It was a really good baptism and I had the opportunity to be the one who got to baptize her! We also had to wake up at 5 because it takes 4 hours to fill the font if you want the water to be hot. The day before we didn't get to bed on time because we had to do all the preparation because there wouldn't be time in the morning, so we didn't sleep very well. All good because it was definitely worth it. Also the day before, Friday, we had a mission wide conference with Elder Ochoa and his wife came to talk to us as well. Elder Ochoa is a part of the 70 and is I believe the first counselor who is in charge of either Puebla or all of Mexico. I don't really remember haha.  It went really well but was still too long and we had to wake up at 5 as well because we had to be there before 7 to take pictures with Elder Ochoa. It was also my second time hearing from him because he came to talk to us in the MTC still dope though. 

    I got to experience rain for the first time on my mission this past week as well. We were in the middle of lunch with members and it started to rain. It would've been fine but we had to walk all the way to the church to have a meeting but we didn't bring any rain gear. So we had to walk all the way there and ended up getting pretty soaked. The weird thing is, it isn't even the rainy season yet so everyone was a little confused. It was fun to experience that though haha. 

    Yesterday I hit 6 months of being a missionary! It is so crazy to think I have been on my mission for 6 months already. Time flies by so fast and my time here so far has been awesome and I can't wait for even more amazing experiences. The mission is tough but I am thankful for everything that has happened and every little thing that has strengthened my testimony in Christ. 

    Thank you all for reading my emails, sending emails and all the prayers, they are definitely felt! Have a good week!

Con mucho amor,
Elder Bailey


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