Week 24 (Los Alamos, Puebla, Mexico) Transfers again and was almost attacked by a pack of dogs!

 ¡Hola a todas!

    Another fast week, but again not a lot happened. Last pday was probably the worst pday ever. I still felt horrible in the morning after throwing up so I just stayed in my bed all morning. I eventually got up, so we could go to the church to talk with our families. We also then went to the stake center to play fútbol and basketball but I didn't end up playing because I still felt terrible. Instead, I just took a nap lol. After pday ended we had to go to the oficinas in La Paz to have district council with the President, his wife and another zone. That was really good and I learned a lot but I still wasn't feeling good so paying attention was a little hard. Hopefully I don't have another pday like that.

    This week missionary work was really good. We had 9 lessons, 82 contacts, lent out 23 Books of Mormon, found 6 new people to teach and invited 2 people to be baptized this month! The only sad thing that happened is that none of our investigators went to church. I really don't know why because the week before 5 people went to church. During the lesson when we invited the couple to be baptized, the spirit was so strong. There is no doubt in my mind that the spirit was guiding both my comp and I on what to say. They accepted a date for the 26th of March, now all we need to do is get them to church.

    On Saturday we went to go and find a person that other Elders had contacted in the past. We had to walk so far because it said he lived on the border of our area. Also it has gotten so much hotter here the past couple of weeks. Everyday is in the 80s, which is nice but I am always drenched in sweat everyday. So we walked all the way over there but couldn't even find him, so we ended up walking up the mountain or hill he lives on. While walking up it we almost got attacked by a pack of dogs! They were all growling, barking and showing their teeth and also got a little too close for comfort. What you have to do to get them to back up is act like you are going to pick up a rock and throw it at them. Usually you don't have to pick up a rock and actually throw it at them but this time I picked up an actual rock just to be safe. So that was pretty fun haha. 

    Also Saturday night we got the call from the President about transfers and sadly my comp Elder Reyes is leaving just after being in Alamos for 1 transfer. I was only with him for 3 weeks though, but those 3 weeks were probably my favorite 3 weeks in my whole mission. I will miss him a lot. He is going to a place called Fuentes to finish someone's training and I am receiving Elder Hertzler who will be the District Leader. He has been on the mission for 19 months, oh and he is also American so that will be a little weird as he will be my first American comp since getting into the mission field. He is good at Spanish so that should help a lot. 

    I believe that is all for this week. The time is flying by and it is hard to remember what happened haha. Thank you for the emails and prayers! They are definitely appreciated! I hope you all have a good week!

Con mucho amor,
Elder Bailey 

As always, I love hearing from you all so please keep the emails coming. My email is zbailey@missionary.org


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