Week 25 (Los Alamos, Puebla, Mexico) The work is real!

 ¡Hola a todos! ¿Cómo están?

    This past week went by pretty fast and was also really good. For pday last week I went to the CAPU or the bus station to drop off Elder Reyes and pick up my new comp Elder Hertzler. Luckily the Bishop in our ward was nice and gave us a ride there and back. The rest of the day we did some grocery shopping, talked with our families and had district council. 

    Missionary work this past week was really good. We found 6 new people to teach, contacted 45 people on the street, only gave out 7 Books of Mormon still good though, invited 10 people to be baptized and all accepted and we also had 5 people come to church! We also are supposed to have a baptism this Saturday, so I will let you all know how that goes next week! 

    Something really cool happened this week. Saturday we ate at a home full of non-members but their son and daughter are members. It is really cool that they like to feed the missionaries and am very grateful for their kindness. So after the meal we asked if we could share a message, they said yes! We taught them this new way of teaching our mission president gave us council on. This new way consists of 5 principles, the creation, Adam and Eve, the atonement, baptism and a little bit of the restoration. We taught that and at the end invited them to be baptized! They said yes after we changed the question, if they prayed about it first. After that they said yes! The next day at church we were sitting while the meeting was just getting started and as we were sitting there I saw them walk in. Their son is the 2nd counselor to the Bishop so he sat on the stand. While they walked in I was watching him to see his reaction because he had no idea they were coming. As they walked in right as he saw them he was so shook and just sat there stunned and shaking his head, also with a big smile on his face. After the meeting he gave my comp and I a big hug and was very thankful for that. This experience was so awesome to see and really strengthened me. It is very cool to be a part of this family coming together and truly being a family. 

    My comp is chill but is a lot different than me, but one thing we have in common is we both like to work hard, as you can see we, in our first week together, we did pretty good. It will be a little hard to get along but that's the mission, not everything is going to go the way you want it to. Just like life, life usually will never go the way we want it to, but as long as we focus our life of Christ we can always find happiness!

    I believe that is all for today. Keep sending me emails, I love hearing what is going on with your lives! I hope all is good and have a good week everyone!

Con mucho amor,
Elder Bailey


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