Week 28 (Los Alamos, Puebla, Mexico) General Conference!

 ¡Que pasa mis amigos!

    Another fast week down! The weeks just keep going faster and faster especially if we are working a lot. Last pday didn't really do anything just the usual, but after district council my comp felt like he was going to puke! So I had to call a member to come pick us up. It probably took 30 minutes for someone to finally pick up their phone. Someone eventually came to pick us up haha. When we got home he went to bed on the bathroom floor lol. 

    Missionary work this week was really good as well. We had 15 people we are teaching watch conference, found 9 new people to teach, had 17 lessons and 10 of then with members and gave out 15 Books of Mormon! Another really good week for the work! During a lesson last week I had the opportunity to share a scripture my Dad shared with me, to a person we are teaching. It was such a cool experience and I can't even tell you what I said because I don't remember lol. That just means the spirit was talking! Also showed me the power of the gift of tongues! 

     This weekend was general conference! All 5 sessions were so good and I learned so much! Something very interesting happened in the very first session on Saturday. We are teaching someone who is 8 months pregnant and she ended up coming to that session to watch it with us at the church! The bad thing is, is that she started feeling not good at all and asked if we could help her leave. Even worse is that while we were helping her walk I felt her go dead weight, so I knew she was about to faint! She did! Luckily my comp and I felt her about to faint and caught her! I hurried behind her back to mainly catch her head so she didn't hit it! Also the bishops wife was there so she definitely helped a lot and if she wasn't I wouldn't have known what to do lol! So yeah that was a very interesting experience.

    There were some many good talks this conference and I encourage you all to go watch it if you didn't get the chance or to re-watch it if you got the chance to watch it live. Something I really liked that Elder Uchtdorf said is "Remove the weeds in your life that block heavenly sunlight". This is such a good analogy for todays world! Before my mission there were so many people and other things(weeds) in my life that were affecting my life in a negative way or blocking the heavenly sunlight! Once I got on the mission it showed me how much better I am without all that. If you think or you know that you need to remove the weeds in your life because they are blocking the heavenly sunlight or stopping you from progressing physically, mentally and most importantly spiritually, don't wait! It will make your life such much better! 

    That should be all for this week! Went by so fast I can't remember haha! Thank you all for everything you do! Don't forget to be a light of Christ! Have a good week!

Keep sending me emails, I love hearing what is going on with your lives!

Con mucho amor,
Elder Bailey


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