Week 30 (Los Alamos, Puebla, Mexico) Getting offered an a "Drink"


    Pretty boring week not gonna lie. Not much happened and another slow week for missionary work. Didn't do anything for pday so I can't really talk about pday lol.

    Missionary work was slow this week again. We were supposed to have a baptism but didn't happen because her husband wants to get baptized together with his wife so it isn't a bad situation. It should happen next week though! We had like 30 contacts, only gave out 7 Book of Mormons, had like 15 lessons 6 out of the 15 we had 6 members join us but literally no one went to church. When I say no one I mean no one. Our goal is to have 15 people we are teaching go to church but no one showed up. At least Diana, the most recent convert, who I baptized is doing really well so that's good. Don't worry though we are working really hard and will do better this week!

    Now I will explain the title lol. On Friday we were heading to a member's house to have a family home evening with them and some of our friends. While we were headed there an inactive member has this little pop-up shop that sells these types of drinks that have alcohol in them and she offered us one. We of course said no haha. She did end up making us one but without alcohol lol! It was very good but it was very blue so it made my mouth very blue. 

    Yesterday my comp and I had the opportunity to help some members move. It was very fun to get to do some service again! They didn't have that many things but the desks and dressers they had were pretty heavy so it's safe to say we got a good workout in lol. I also had to sit in the back of a pickup truck in the bed of the truck because there were only 2 seats and there were 4 people lol. First time ever doing that and it was really fun. I was safe momma. 

    Not much happened this week, so I don't have much to write about. My comp and I are doing well, we are getting along and work really well together. I also did not get sick so that's a plus! I hope you all have an amazing week, and thank you all for the emails and prayers!

Con mucho amor,
Elder Bailey


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