Week 31 (Los Alamos, Puebla, Mexico) Patience is a virtue

 ¡Hola a todos!

    This week went by so fast, it was crazy! Once again for pday we pretty much did the same exact thing as all the other normal pdays lol.

    Missionary work was so good, but at the beginning of the week it looked like it wasn't going to be. We ended up finding 9 new people to teach, gave out 22 Books of Mormon, taught 12 lessons, had 9 people show up to church that we are teaching and invited 12 people to be baptized and they all accepted! The miracle that happened is that on Saturday basically all of that happened. We found 6 people, invited like 7 to be baptized, and at night something amazing happened. All this past week we were trying so hard to have the baptismal interview with this one guy but his hours of work are crazy. Today he wasn't in a good mood and he is in the military so he is serious anyways. But at like 9:30pm he was like "I want my interview now". That was actually crazy to see that text from him and I'm not gonna lie I didn't have a lot of faith it was going to happen. It ended up being a really good interview and he is ready to be baptized. So he and his wife are going to get baptized this week on the 30th!! That was such a dope miracle to experience! 

    If you have been reading my emails you know by now that my stomach does not like the food here. I didn't vomit or anything but a lot of the mornings this past week I kept on walking up with bad stomach pain. It sucks because I love the food. I'm really hoping with more time on the mission getting sick often will stop happening but we will have to see. 

    The only pictures this week I took are of me and my comp sitting outside watching a thunderstorm lol. It was very calming but made me miss the thunderstorms in Kansas. 

    This week I really learned the importance of patience. All week we kept on having days with little to no success but when we kept on working and working as hard as we could and trying to be patient with our friends we are teaching, miracles happened. I can testify to all of you who read this that no matter what your situation is in life, if you have patience and trust in the Lord, he will make the truth known unto you. It is difficult but I have seen it happen right in front of my own eyes and it is amazing to witness. So my challenge/invitation to you all this week is to try to be patient and put your trust in the Lord as much as you can and you will see miracles happen in your life!

    I hope you all have an amazing week filled with miracles! I'd love to hear from you all as well! 

Con mucho amor,
Elder Bailey


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