Week 32 (Los Alamos, Puebla, Mexico) Bautismo!! (Baptism!!)


    Another really good week here in Alamos! Pday was normal, so nothing crazy happened. Good day to get some rest though.

    This week's missionary work was so good! We gave out 31 Books of Mormon, had 16 lessons, 11 people we are teaching went to church, and we had 2 baptisms! If you have been following my updates you know we have been trying to help a family. Having that baptism yesterday helped so much with that because now the parents/grandparents just need to be baptized and the family will be together forever!! 

    Thursday we had a multi-zone conference in Puebla. It was a really good conference, I learned a lot but something pretty embarrassing happened after. We were leaving the building to go take a taxi back to our area because we had 2 boxes of Books of Mormons and a package mama sent me. I had to readjust holding 2 of the boxes and as I went to go pick them up again I heard a ripping sound. I was like "There is no way that just happened" but it did exactly what you think happened. I ripped my pants and if I didn't have a zipper my pants would have fallen off haha. It was very annoying, embarrassing and what made it worse is that it happened to my suit pants! So that was very unfortunate. 

     The weather here seems to keep getting hotter and hotter but it feels so much hotter than it actually says it is. It will say it is 70 but feels like 90 just because the UV index is at like 11 and we are so close to the sun. I come home every night with a big sweat stain because I sweat so much lol. 

    I love this area, my spanish has grown so much and can't wait for more amazing experiences! I hope all is well with you all and have an amazing week!

Con mucho amor,
Elder Bailey


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