Week 33 (Los Alamos, Puebla, Mexico) Great day to be a servant of the Lord!

 ¡Hola mis amigos!

    This week was such a good week but was still a lowkey week. Pday was just another normal pday like every other week. Nothing to talk about for that day. 

    Missionary work was even better this week compared to last week! We ended up giving out  40 Books of Mormon, we found 14 new people to teach, 14 people we are teaching showed up to church and we had 18 lessons! It was so awesome to have all that happen. One cool thing that happened during the week was that we were walking on the street Wednesday trying to give out some Books of Mormon. There was this family of 4 walking back home from school and we both had an impression to go talk to them. We ended up walking and talking with them all the way to their house and randomly let us in! We read 3 Nephi 11 with them and taught a little about the chapter. At the end of the lesson we gave them each a Book of Mormon and asked if they would like it if we came back another day to teach them. They said yes! It was such a special experience and really cool to see how the Holy Ghost works in our lives. 

    On Tuesday we had a companion exchange with the Elders in Resurgimiento. Usually how exchanges work is that one Elder would come here and the other would go to the other area but our President said that from now on all 4 Elders have to be in the same area where the District leader is. Since my comp is the District leader they came to our area. This day was very weird because all of our lessons kept falling through but between the 4 of us we gave out 12 Books of Mormon! 

    That's all I got for this week. Nothing too crazy happened but still see the hand of the Lord in the work we are doing. I hope you all have a good week!

Con mucho amor,
Elder Bailey


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