Week 34 (Huamantla, Tlaxcala, Mexico) ¡Cambios de emergencia parte 2!🦖🥩👋 (Emergency Transferred Again)

 Hola a todos!

    As you can tell by the title I can emergency transferred again! It all happened last pday. The day was a normal pday, nothing crazy happened until the very end of the day. When I say the end of the day I literally mean the end of the day. At 10:30pm, which is the time we are supposed to go to bed, we got a call from the zones leaders and were like "We have news Elders. Elder Bailey is getting transferred and Elder Hertzler you will be receiving Elder Pack". We were in shock because usually the President calls before hand and when they asked if we already knew about it and when we said no they were like "Oh, well know you do so better start packing Elder Bailey because you have to leave first thing in the morning". So Basically I didn't sleep that night because I had to pack all night. It was also really sad because I didn't get to say goodbye to any of the members just like the first time I got emergency transferred. Luckily I was able to say goodbye in the ward group chat and drop my email and Facebook so they could contact me if they wanted. 

    The next morning I had to leave for the bus station and luckily a member was nice enough to drive us there with all my stuff. A really weird part about this is that I had to travel to my new area all by myself with no way of contacting anyone. So if anything happened who knows what I would have done. Luckily everything went fine. 

    The new area I am in is called Huamantla, Tlaxcala. Literally the other side of the mission. It is a little branch with the smallest chapel I have ever seen. Couldn't fit more than probably 50 people. My new comp is Elder Peralta. He is from Monterrey, is 18 years old and just got out of his training so he has around 4 months on the mission. He is really cool and we already get along pretty well. Also this area is huge with a lot more to do which is a good and bad thing. It's good because there is actually stuff to do on pdays now but bad because it will take a little longer to get to know the area. 

    My first day in the area we were in a trio because of some complications that I don't feel like explaining lol but he left the next day so yeah. 

    On Friday we had a special devotional with just Elders. The devotional was basically our President chewing us out because there is a lot of disobedience happening in the mission and people not looking out for their companion. Don't worry I didn't get transferred for being disobedient, I found out my comp right now, his old comp was being disobedient so I guess I was the one chosen to be moved. Feels like I always am but it's cool, it's revelation from the Lord so can't argue with that. The devotional ended up being like 3 hours long but was really good and the spirit was for sure in the room that day. 

    Yesterday was my first Sunday in the area which would usually be fine but I had to give a talk. That would usually be fine as well but they gave me a days notice to prepare the talk so it was a pretty fast and short talk. Luckily it went well and some members said they liked the talk so we good. Also something that made it easier to give the talk is that there was probably a whopping 30 people so that's dope lol. The members here are really dope though and some can even speak really good English! This one member lived in Chicago for like 20 years but got divorced so moved back here. You can definitely tell he lived in Chicago because of the way he talks in English but it makes it even more fun. He's probably one of my favorite members not just because he speaks English and Spanish but because he is actually just a really good person. 

    I could write probably more but I don't want this email to be too long so I will just end it here. Probably one of the craziest and fastest weeks but it was a good week. I know everything happens for a reason and that if we put our trust and faith in the Lord everything will end up being just fine. I hope you all have a great week! Also Happy Mother's Day to all the Mothers out there! You rock! Especially the one in Kansas!! Love you Mom!

Con mucho amor,
Elder Bailey


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