Week 35 (Huamantla, Tlaxcala, Mexico) ¡Bautismo, Método para Encontrar!

 ¡Hola mis amigos!

    Another really good week here in Huamantla! Another pday where not much happened during the actual pday lol. During the district council we practiced contacting/giving out Books of Mormon to the whole bus. Basically talking to everyone at the front of the bus while it is moving. It was the most nerve racking thing ever but I did it. Unfortunately no one wanted a book but being able to do that made my confidence skyrocket, not in a bad way though lol. (Video will be included)

    Missionary work was so good. We ended up finding 15 new people to teach, gave out 17 Books of Mormon, invited 7 people to be baptized, all accepted, 8 people we are teaching came to church, and we had 1 baptism!! Such a good week for us but everyone can always do a little bit better every week so we are going to work even harder this week! One lesson we had this week really showed me why we need to teach with power and authority. One day during the week we knocked on someone's door and gave her a Book of Mormon and she told us to come back the next day. So the next day we came back and asked how the reading went and if she liked it. She said it was very interesting and wanted to learn more, so we asked if she had time to talk for around 15 minutes. We thought it was called Camino Seguro Hacia La Conversión or basically A Safe Path to Conversion. Basically what we teach is the scriptures, prayer and going to church. So we taught all that but towards the end of the lesson I had a strong impression to ask her and her 2 kids to be baptized. It was really weird and I didn't understand the impression because we didn't even talk about baptism. To my surprise when I challenged them to be baptized all 3 of them said yes! I am so happy I did that and I know that if I didn't follow that impression or ask them with authority and power I don't think they would have accepted. I can testify unto you all that no matter what the impression of the spirit is, follow it because if it is truly from God, nothing will go wrong!

    I have come to the point in my mission where while I am sleeping I will start teaching haha! My companion has told me that I have done it a few times in English and in Spanish! He told me a couple days ago that I was teaching about keeping the Sabbath day holy in English. Which is weird because I don't teach in English so who knows how I did that in my sleep lol.

    During this week we had 11 members help us by participating in lessons. It helps so much to have someone who is a part of the church who isn't the missionaries involved with our friends we are teaching. The members can share experiences that they might have had or are having in that moment and really just their testimony helps so much. I would like to invite you all to get in contact with missionaries and ask if they need help with anything, especially lessons because I know they will really appreciate it and help them out a lot!

    This past week the Volcano here in the mission erupted. I am not sure if it is spitting out lava yet but it is spitting out a whole bunch of ash. So far there hasn't been a lot where I am but in most parts of the mission there is a ton. Don't worry though all the wards and stakes and our mission has emergency plans to make sure everyone is safe. Just thought I would let everyone know that and let everyone know everything is fine so far. 

    I believe that is all, not really sure though lol. I hope you all had a good week and have an even better one this week! Take some time this week to serve others!

Con mucho amor,
Elder Bailey


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