Week 36 (Huamantla, Tlaxcala, Mexico) ¡Conferencia Multizona!

 ¡Hola a todos!

    This week was definitely not how I wanted it to go. Pday was just another normal pday, nothing happened lol.

    This week missionary work went downhill but a lot of it wasn't our fault. Everyone kept on canceling, either at the last moment or a little bit before. We had companion exchanges so we didn't get to work at all in our area and the conference we had was good but we missed half the day for that. We ended up finding 3 new people to teach, we gave out 19 Books of Mormon, we invited 1 person to be baptized, accepted but didn't go to church, we had 10 lessons and 6 people we are teaching went to church. It was still a good week but this upcoming week we are definitely going to work a lot harder and do better. 

    This conference we had was probably one of my favorites. Mainly because I am at the point with Spanish where I can pretty much understand everything and because I learned a lot. I definitely know now that my mission President is called of God and receives revelation for every missionary in this mission. He has helped me see and understand the will of the Lord more clearly and just want to thank him for that. 

    Something a little weird, funny but also really good happened this week. There is this guy we are teaching who used to be a full on alcoholic, like when the missionaries found him he was puking every10 minutes, couldn't think for himself and just basically everything you can think of about an alcoholic. But now he is so close to getting baptized and has changed so much. It is so cool to see. One of the things that has helped him a lot is his AA group. Just a group of ex alcoholics who get together and support one another. And one day this week he invited us to sit in a session with him. So we did and it was a little bit weird at first but then I heard a lot of them talk and I saw that they are all really trying to change and he also helped us find one new person to teach. We also gained the trust of him and all the people in that session, which you really need as a missionary. It was a really good but also a little weird experience lol. I am glad it happened because it gave me a whole new perspective on a lot of things. 

    Oh and by the way I am still teaching and contacting in spanish while I am sleeping lol.

    I hope everyone of you that reads this has an awesome week! Thank you for all the emails and prayers! I am very sorry I haven't gotten back to a lot of you in awhile but I do read every one of them and appreciate them all. I will do my best to get back to you.

Con mucho amor,
Elder Bailey


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