Week 37 (Huamantla, Tlaxcala, Mexico) Bautismoooo
A much better week here in Huamantla! Even though my comp was basically sick the whole week we still got some good work done. Last pday was another normal one, nothing crazy happened. Someone we are teaching took us out to breakfast so that was dope.
This week for missionary work we found 8 new people to teach, taught 14 lessons, lent out 20 Books of Mormon, we had 5 people come to church and 1 baptism!! Not a bad week at all, still feel like we can do even better because we did all that while my comp was sick. The baptism was for a 12 year old boy who was baptized when he was 8 but they didn't put all the stuff in right so his records got lost and didn't exist. Now they do lol.
We also had quite a bit of rain this last week which is always fun to deal with, except when you are trying to give out a Book of Mormon. Let me tell you it is very difficult to do that in the rain haha.
We had this one random lesson Saturday that was not planned at all. We were headed to the farmacy to find out what my comp had and a guy stopped us. Luckily my comp knew who he was and he invited us to come to his house. So we did and we talked about the Atonement of Jesus Christ, baptism and the book of Mormon. What I didn't know is that he is Jewish. That still didn't stop me from inviting him to be baptized. While inviting him, the spirit was so strong and he accepted! The even cooler part is that he showed up to church the next day! I have a lot of faith he will be more than prepared for his baptism!
Not much more happened, just can't wait for more amazing , spiritual experiences! We also had transfers but my comp and I are staying here.
Also Happy Birthday Nate! Hope you had a good birthday! Love you bro.
That's all I got, I hope this week is awesome for you all. Don't forget to be kind and a light of Christ!
Con mucho amor,
Elder Bailey
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