Week 38 (Huamantla, Tlaxcala, Mexico) Dog Battle 1v5


    This past week was pretty good but nothing too crazy happened. Another pday where we did nothing except the usual's lol. 

    Also another good week for missionary work! We found 11 new people to teach, we lent out 28 Books of Mormon, contacted over 70 people, had 11 lessons, but only 2 people showed up to the church that we are teaching. During the week we lent a Book of Mormon to this guy sitting on a bench in the park. He said we could come to his house the next morning but what we did not know is that we were going to have a meeting the next morning. So we didn't get to go. The next day we were knocking doors and towards the end of the street we knocked this one door and it ended up being that guy! We ended up teaching the Plan of Salvation to him and his family! It was a really good lesson and they seemed very interested! Hopefully we can find them a way to go to church.

    I think it was Thursday that we finally got to do some service! We were trying some appointments we had scheduled but those ended up being canceled so we went to an inactive old couple's home to see if they needed some help. They did, so we helped clear out some weeds and grass in their yard. They really appreciated it. It was super hot as well, so they made us wear a hat lol. Also during that I saw a big dog fight between their dog and 5 other strays. So it was a 1v5! To make a long story short the members dog ended up winning and came back with some sick battle scars!

    I also got a sinus infection, still got it but it's all good, I'm pushing through it. It also doesn't help that we are high up in the mountains so it makes it even harder to breathe lol. 

    I believe that's all I got for this week. Crazy how fast time flies so I am just trying to soak it all in. Have a good week!

Con mucho amor,
Elder Bailey


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