Week 40 (Huamantla, Tlaxcala, Mexico) "What do I need to do to be baptized?"


    This week didn't go exactly how I wanted it to but was still a miracle filled week! Last pday we didn't do much. Just the usual, clean the house, talk with the fam and District Council.

    For missionary work we did pretty good but we can always do better. We found 3 new people to teach, lent out 14 Books of Mormon, we only had 5 lessons, only because everyone kept on canceling and we had 7 people we are teaching show up to church! We only were able to invite one person to be baptized but this guy is gold. 2 weeks ago he showed up to church all on his own. The missionaries here before me haven't had contact with him since Febrero but we got into contact with him again because he showed up! It was crazy! During the same week, on Wednesday I believe, we got a call from him saying these exact words "What do I need to do to be baptized!" When he said that, I got so happy because we were having no that good of a day, jut that made it 10 times better. We invited him to be baptized July 2nd and he accepted of course lol! So this week we are preparing him for it.

    On Friday we had a multi zone conferencia. It was probably the best we have had in a long time because it changed my whole perspective about a lot of things especially in the mission. The whole conferencia was focused on miracles. Something our President said really stood out to me, he said "If you do your part, your responsibility, and be obediente to the commandments of the Lord, God will do his part and his responsibility." That really hit me hard. I am a person that is really hard on myself. If I don't do what I wanted to do that day or we didn't meet our goals I get a little frustrated and discouraged. What I didn't realize is that I was doing my part and my responsibility but if it isn't Gods will to give us a miracle then that's okay because I did my part. From now on I am changing my mindset that I am not responsible for miracles, God is, I just have to do my part. I testify to you all that miracles do exist and happen everyday in our lives by the power of God. I invite you all to look more for the small miracles in your life and then thank God for those miracles. I promise you that if you do you will feel 10x more closer to our Loving Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ. En el nombre de Jesucristo. Amén.

    Not much more happened this week so I'll just stop it here. I hope you all had a great week and I hope this one is even better!
    Let me know what's happening in your lives!

Con mucho amor, 
Elder Bailey


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