Week 49 (Huamantla, Tlaxcala, Mexico) Training my second greenie! & Flooding (video)

Hola a todos! Another super fast week and a lot happened. Last pday was actually crazy. While we were getting ready to leave for district council it started just raining cats a dogs, its like the sky was falling! We literally had to walk through a river. It was actually pretty fun but the only bad thing is that all my stuff got soaked. It was an experience. Tuesday at night we found out that Elder Zepeda would be getting transferred to where the secretaries are to wait until he goes to Brazil where he was originally assigned. It was a hard goodbye but I know he will do great things in Brazil. During that call with Pres he told me I will be training again! I got another greenie! Transfers happened Thursday but I wouldn't get my comp until Friday so I had to go to Puebla to work with some other Elders. Friday I found out who my comp is. His name is Elder Whetten, he is from Chihuahua, understands Spanish but doesn't really...