Week 47 (Huamantla, Tlaxcala, Mexico) Trabajo


    This week was basically the same week as the last one, so I won't have a lot to wrote about. Pday was normal, but my comp wanted a haircut but they cut it really bad, which kinda made me laugh. Oops. We also were playing volleyball which has been really fun. Unfortunately, I squatted down a little too much and rip..., yeah, ripped my pants. A little embarrassing but I just covered myself with with someone's jacket and finished to game. A member also bought me a pair of pants so that was nice.

    The week wasn't that bad, we are just having trouble with people coming to church, even members. Mainly because of the fair. We are going to work even harder, especially with the members help so we can get people progressing because we have a lot of people who can and who want to be baptized but its hard for them to get to church. It's not that its hard but they just find excuses that's all. 

    We ended up finding 5 new people to teach, we only had 2 people at church and a totally of like 25 people at church in total, we were only able to give 7 lessons, we gave out 19 Books of Mormon and contacted over 140 people. So I'm not going to say it was a bad week but can definitely be better. This upcoming Sunday, we should have a baptism! If you remember my last baptism it was a young mom with her son. This baptism will be the mom of the young mom we baptized a couple weeks ago! It should be great!

    We had a lot of interactions with a lot of rude people. The people here in Huamantla this month turn very rude just because they all want to drink and party, but I have faith that the work will go on if we do our job.

    I learn something new everyday and I love it. I love how I can be a trainer but feel like I am learning more than my comp is learning. Its hard to explain but I am definitely growing as a person and as a missionary. 

    Missionary life is difficult but I am enjoying the proceso. If you are thinking about whether or not to go on a mission, just do it. It will be one of the best decisiones you will ever make.

Con mucho amor,
Elder Bailey


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