Week 49 (Huamantla, Tlaxcala, Mexico) Training my second greenie! & Flooding (video)

 Hola a todos!

    Another super fast week and a lot happened. Last pday was actually crazy. While we were getting ready to leave for district council it started just raining cats a dogs, its like the sky was falling! We literally had to walk through a river. It was actually pretty fun but the only bad thing is that all my stuff got soaked. It was an experience.

    Tuesday at night we found out that Elder Zepeda would be getting transferred to where the secretaries are to wait until he goes to Brazil where he was originally assigned. It was a hard goodbye but I know he will do great things in Brazil. During that call with Pres he told me I will be training again! I got another greenie! 

    Transfers happened Thursday but I wouldn't get my comp until Friday so I had to go to Puebla to work with some other Elders. Friday I found out who my comp is. His name is Elder Whetten, he is from Chihuahua, understands Spanish but doesn't really speak it because his mom is American and his dad is part Mexican and part American. He is fresh from CCM, and is 18 years old. We gotta work though.

    Missionary work was a lot better this week! We found 6 new people to teach, we had 7 people go to church despite the fact that it was stake conference, 5 new converts also went as well, we had 84 contacts and we gave out 16 Books of Mormon! It felt soooo good to actually get some work done. 

    One cool thing that happened this week is that about 3 months ago, my first day in Huamantla we gave out a BoM but never went back to see what he thought about it, I'm not sure why. But Saturday we walked past his business and asked him how he was doing and also taught him the plan of salvación using the BoM and we ended the lesson inviting him to be baptized the 24th and he accepted!! It was a really cool experiencia!

     One more thing that happened this week. We went to the hospital to give a blessing to this guy whose aunt is a member. I anointed him and the member we were with gave the blessing. While he was giving the blessing we could feel his whole body start to shake very violently. Right after he said amén he got so happy and just started saying so many good things about us, it was a very interesting experience but a learning experience as well.

    I believe thats all that happened this week and can't wait for more. Love you all and thank you for those who write me! I really appreciate it even though I really never have time to write back, but I read every one of your emails! Have a good week!

Con mucho amor,
Elder Bailey 


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